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"The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. ...Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church." -Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert, pp. 88-90
In Today's Catholic World (TCW)
September 19, 2006 A.D.
(Minneapolis) -Sept 19- In the September 2006 Edition of the Nicholas Gruner owned newspaper, "Catholic" Family News (CFN), the paper's Editor, John Vennari, attacked the Papacy of His Holiness Gregory XVII with his article entitled: The Cardinal Siri Thesis Why CFN Rejects It. In Today's Catholic World (TCW) immediately took note and action. Provided (below) for the True Church Militant (The Church in Eclipse) is TCW's response to the lethal laicist (Vennari's), affront. The faithful have the obligation to educate themselves as best they can about what is being presented. There is not a more important matter today than the Pope Gregory XVII Reality and His Successors, as Holy Mother Church Infallibly teaches:"We declare, say, define and proclaim to every human creature that they by necessity for salvation are entirely subject to the Roman Pontiff."
-Pope Boniface VIII, Unam Sanctam, Nov. 18, 1302, ex cathedra
Contra: 'The Cardinal Siri Thesis' by CFN, John Vennari, Ed.
Pro: 'The Cardinal Siri Thesis' by TCW, David Hobson, Ed.
John Vennari’s position contra ‘The Siri Thesis’ posted on the Catholic Family News (CFN) website for September argues that ‘The Siri Thesis’ set forth in The Pope in Red (www.thepopeinred.com) is untenable because it is unthinkable.
It is, however, indeed thinkable to the editor of CFN, John Vennari and The Remnant that we are living in the last times of the world as evidenced by their own frequent citation of the famous Cardinal Ottaviani quote on the Third Secret of Fatima: It (the Secret) tells "that the Great Apostasy will begin at the top". This reference is specifically to the Apostle Paul’s prophecy over the last times of the world (2 Thess 2:3) in which he speaks of the The Great Apostasy. There is no other. So despite promotion of ideas like ‘the great façade’ to describe the post conciliar modernist church, CFN is actually capable of at least entertaining the idea that what we are witnessing, is, in fact – The Great Apostasy.
John Vennari, the author of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita (TAN), regards the Siri Thesis as unthinkable because he is of the opinion that in the conflict between Freemasonry and the Catholic Church, the goal of the Lodge is one of subversion. He states this position at the Fatima Peace Conference (Rome: 2001)."The Instruction called for the dissemination of liberal ideas and axioms throughout society and within the institutions of the Catholic Church so that laity, seminarians, clerics and prelates would, over the years, gradually be imbued with progressive principles.
"In time this mind set would be so pervasive that priests would be ordained, bishops would be consecrated and cardinals would be nominated whose thinking was in step with the modern thought rooted in the ‘Principles of 1789’ (pluralism, equality of religions, separation of Church and State, etc).
Eventually, a Pope would be elected from these ranks who would lead the Church on the path of ‘enlightenment and renewal. "It must be stressed that it was not their aim to place a Freemason on the Chair of Peter. [Emphasis Vennari’s] Their goal was to effect an environment that would eventually produce a Pope and a hierarchy won over to the ideas of liberal Catholicism, all the while believing themselves to be faithful Catholics."
This is a very limited understanding of Masonry and on the whole sounds rather benign, doesn’t it? ...As objectionable as liberalism is, it is merely one aspect of Modernism. Therefore, if the crisis of the Church to which we all are witness is merely a gradual infection with liberal ideas, then the Holy Father and the hierarchy and liberal Catholics can be won back to Tradition by a concerted effort of Catholics loyal to Tradition through: ‘we-resist-you-to-the-face’ approaches, a ‘traditionalist movement within the Church,’ prayer, and penance.
The Siri Thesis does not rest upon this limited view of Freemasonry. This view is simply a blind and mask. "The fight taking place against Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight to the very death, ceaseless and merciless" states the Bulletin of the Grand Orient of France (1892: 183) quoted in www.thepopeinred.com/thesis.htm. "The secret movers of the French Revolution had sworn to overturn the Throne and Altar upon the Tomb of Jacques deMolay. When Louis XVI was executed, half the work was done; and thenceforward the Army of the temple [the Templars] was to direct all its efforts against the Pope." -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma (1871: 824). (Quoted in www.thepopeinred.com/thesis.htm).
This latter is the Templar position within Freemasonry. This view takes precedence because the Templar position of the Jacobites, the Jacobins, B’nai B’rith, Prieure of Sion, and the Scottish is both the Foundation and the pyramidion of all Masonry.
The Siri Thesis is predicated upon the Templar understanding of Masonry and its final objectives. This was the outcome foreseen in Pope Leo XIII’s prophetic vision which he immemorialised in his prayer to the Archangel Michael: "Where the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck, they may also be able to scatter the flock. Arise, therefore, O Invincible Prince." It is also the view of Pope St. Pius X quoted at the end of this thesis.
Because of his limited understanding of Masonry: its morals (used here in the full spiritual sense of absolute laws contrary to Divine laws), dogma and objectives, it is unthinkable to John Vennari that, in the time of The Great Apostasy, the true pontiff would be exiled from Rome and that Rome would lose the Faith and become the Seat of the Anti Christ.
But Sacred Scripture attests to this event at the time of The Great Apostasy. The Early Fathers of the Church attest to it, Doctors and Theologians of the Church attest to it, and The Queen of Prophets attests to this in her confidence to Melanie Calvat at La Salette. Yet at CFN this is unthinkable.
The Pro-Siri Thesis will address this inability to think with the Catholic Sense of Sacred Tradition, point-for-point in reply to John Vennari’s editorial. Indeed, this is the only context in which the Hidden Papacy of these -our sad times- may be established and understood.
To John Vennari’s completely inexplicable argument of ‘untenability’, the Pro-Siri Thesis proposes that we are in fact living in The Time of the Great Apostasy. And what we are witnessing are the events of the mystical passion of Christ’s Holy Church. The facts of the hidden papacy of Pope Gregory XVII must be understood in this context.
Do the souls at Catholic Family News want to stand with Holy Church in these times or not? Do they want their readers, good Catholics seeking to persevere in the faith, to stand with Holy Church in these times or not? That is the burden of this debate.
We concede that important facts of matter regarding the hidden papacy of Gregory XVII are still coming to light.
We concede that Pope Gregory XVII made human errors. (Perhaps the editor of CFN will forgive him).
His Holiness writes: "I have done wrong because I should have avoided taking certain actions. I wish to say –but I am afraid to say it – making certain mistakes." (The Unelected Pope, by Benny Lai, p. 296.)
We do not concede that he was not the de jure pope of the Catholic Church. And we do not presume to judge Pope Gregory XVII by the standards under which "Archbishop" Lefebvre and Bishop Castro Mayer of the Diocese of Campos were judged by John Vennari and found praiseworthy in their resistance to the novus ordo magisterium. Why would this be? The decrees of Vatican II were, afterall, the magisterial decrees promulgated by individuals whom they regarded as de jure popes of the Catholic Church and to whom they owed obedience.
If we are seeking to understand the mind and actions of Pope Gregory XVII, it must be in the context of the papal office, as Vicar of Christ. This is the office to which he acceded when the Chair of Peter was overturned and the hierarchy of the Catholic Church seized, in an Anti Christ revolution "in tiara and cope", a revolution fomented by the agents of Judeo Masonry within the 1958 Conclave.
Thus began the instrumentalisation of the Church as per The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita by John Vennari for Masonic goals and agenda.
Are there any precedents for understanding the mind and actions of a pope in such a time, at such an hour?
Yes. There is one sole precedent. The Passion of Our Lord.
In context of this precedent, then, we will meet John Vennari’s objections to The Pope in Red, (The Siri Thesis) point-for-point.
Paragraph 1. In this essay, John Vennari characterises "The Cardinal Siri Thesis"as untenable.
1.A: Tenable is a term from the Old French. It is a military term meaning defensible in battle. Now it is a term from both scholarly debate and military strategy. Tenable means a position that can be defended by either argument or battle. To say that a position in debate is untenable is to say that it cannot be defended by logical argument, by proofs or by witness. To argue a counter thesis that The Siri Thesis is untenable means that this counter thesis must (1.) state the The Siri Thesis fairly: its argument and its proofs so that all parties know the terms of debate ( 2. ) It must give counter-arguments based upon counter-proofs or by witness. In this debate, John Vennari is writing as an editor, defending editorial policy for what is widely regarded as a traditional Catholic publication at a time of unprecedented crisis in the Catholic Church over the issues of Sacred Tradition. He intends to establish the untenable nature of The Siri Thesis; therefore, CFN does not subscribe to it --so far so good.
Paragraphs 2 and 3: John Vennari fails to actually state The Siri Thesis in précis: its argument and proofs.
Paragraph 2. "The Siri Thesis purports that, at the 1958 conclave, Cardinal Siri was elected Pope and took the name Pope Gregory XVII; but was displaced by Cardinal Roncalli, who became the false Pope John XXIII. The same happened in 1963 with “Siri” being “elected”, and then displaced by the false Pope Paul VI."
2.A: "Purports". . There is a basis in fact, attested by many sources, that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope and took the name Pope Gregory XVII. These sources are multiple and congruent and the witness is believable. There is no ‘purports’ about it... Vennari directly misrepresents the thesis of his opponents in debate. Why does he even enter into debate with true Catholics if he does not have the integrity to state his opponent’s position fairly and according to rules of argument that are observed in even secular debate?
The many contributors to The Pope In Red (Louis H. Remy, Fr. Khoat, etc.) have rendered a great service to Holy Church by marshalling these sources and establishing this actuality from many sources and according to many proofs. Vennari does not trouble himself to dispute these truths with counter argument and proof. He settles for ‘purports’. Is this deceitful, or merely incompetent?
John Vennari is going to argue a counter thesis to these proofs, let’s hear him argue it then.
2.B: "Displaced" Another subterfuge. In what sense displaced? Cardinal Siri was elected. He accepted and chose the name Pope Gregory XVII. The name Pope Gregory XVII is known from many sources, including de-classified FBI documents. This alone proves he accepted office. He abdicated. The Conclave went to ballot again. The question is: "can he abdicate canonically?" There is no ‘displaced’ in The Siri Thesis. There is a narrative of historical events based upon eyewitness and inference.
Paragraph 4. "The fact that a Cardinal receives the necessary votes in a conclave, does not in itself make him Pope."
4.A: This is not what The Siri Thesis argues. Again, this is frank misrepresentation of the opponent’s argument. The Siri Thesis argues that having once accepted the papal office and chosen the name Pope Gregory XVII, the pontiff could not canonically abdicate under duress. Therefore he remained the de jure pontiff whether the 1958 Conclave went to another ballot or not. The burden of proof for the Siri Thesis is duress not necessary votes. The author of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita chooses not to address the actual burden of The Siri Thesis, although his own research clearly establishes both motive and agenda for the infiltration of the Church by Judeo Masonry. Why? Does he not think that the Sons of the Widow who have fomented a century of bloody revolutions in nation after nation are capable of bringing duress to bear within a Conclave they have themselves infiltrated and in numbers significant enough to force a papal abdication? The Alta Vendita is one of the proofs of The Siri Thesis assisting to establish both context and motive in the historical narrative.
Paragraph 5. "Cardinal Tisserant reportedly admitted that irregularities did indeed occur at the 1958 Conclave."
5.A: Well, that would have to be the understatement of all time. Is the editor of Catholic Family News going to argue his thesis or not? Cardinal Tisserant’s admission does not substantiate anything for either the pro or contra position. Indeed this seemingly mild dismissal of legitimate concerns could be interpreted as a Satanic betrayal on the order of a Judas kiss. This is the same Tisserant who in 1962, acting on orders from antipope John XXIII, signed an agreement with Metropolite Nycodim (a spokesman for the Kremlin!!) that allowed the invitation of Orthodox / KGB observers to the Vatican Council II. This invitation was accepted on the condition that the Council refrained from condemning Communism. And John Vennari thinks the damage control from this Son of the Widow admitting a few ‘irregularities’ at the 1958 Conclave somehow counters The Siri Thesis. Give me a break.
A Catholic nation, the Ukraine, has been annihilated. Catholics from central Europe behind the Iron Curtain are being routinely carted off to the gulags and martyred for de fide. And Cardinal Tisserant as the agent of an antipope signs away Pope Pius IX’s condemnation of Communism: "a fatal doctrine most opposed to the very natural law" and Pope Pius XI's Divini Redemptoris: "no one who would save Christian civilisation may collaborate with it in any undertaking whatsoever." "What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but he lose his own soul?" -- the whole world! Done for the collaboration of a handful of Orthodox / KGB agents and an atrocious regime from the absolute pit of hell? For, this Cardinal Tisserant betrayed the Magisterium of the Catholic Church and uncounted martyrs. There are no words in the tongues of angels or of men for this treachery. For sins like this, the Archangel prostrated himself on the earth at the Cebaco and begged "for the infinite merit of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary – the conversion of poor sinners."
Paragraph 7. "While this indicates that ‘serious things have taken place’ at recent conclaves, it also reveals that Cardinal Siri was certainly not the Vicar of Christ."
7.A: What the Tisserant damage control indicates is that he, Tisserant, is a smooth liar. Given Tisserant’s track record, it more convincingly indicates that if a vile person of the ilk of Cardinal Tisserant is in damage control, then there is a lot of damage to control. This supports The Siri Thesis, not Vennari’s counter-thesis. And what is his counter-thesis, by the way?
Paragraph 7. "As one astute priest observed, only the Sovereign Pontiff is not bound by conclave secrets, so the fact that Siri said, ‘I am bound by the Secret’ demonstrates he was not Pope."
7.B: Sadly, there are minds out there in T.V. land that are sufficiently dumbed down as to think this ‘astute’ priest has made a good point. This submission of Pope Gregory XVII to ‘the Secret of the Conclave’ in and of itself proves nothing. It does, however, raise the question: to what end?
Let’s assume for the sake of argument that The Siri Thesis is correct. Let’s assume that we are living through the times of The Great Apostasy. The reference is to Cardinal Ottaviani who is frequently cited in the pages of CFN, The Remnant, and The Fatima Crusader for his famous quote about the Third Secret of Fatima: "It says among other things that the Great Apostasy will begin at the top." (2 Thess 2:3, in which the Apostle makes a prophesy over the last times of the world).
Thus, if we are in the last times of the world, then it is possible to think that we may be witness to the mystical passion of Holy Church.
In Our Lord’s passion, he submits to the de facto religious authority and the Roman authority. Previously, he had confronted them, but at the time of his passion, he submits. Under the hour of the power of darkness (Luke 22:53), he tells Pilate: "You could have no power against me at all unless it were given you from above" (John 19: 10). In the time of the eclipse of the Church, to use Our Lady of Salette’s memorable phrase, is it unthinkable that a true Pontiff would make a sacrifice of submission to de facto authority, to the Conclaves (paragraph 7), to the anti papacy (paragraph 12), to participation in false conclaves (paragraph 9), to participation in the Vatican II Council (paragraph 10) and the abuse which followed from it (paragraph 11)? Not unthinkable, but certainly mysterious, as mysterious as Our Lord in His Divine Soul.
Paragraph 10. "Cardinal Siri participated in the Second Vatican Council, which was called, if The Siri Thesis is correct, by a Holy Father who was neither Holy nor the Church’s Father. Siri accepted the decisions of Vatican II if interpreted in the light of Tradition. He adopted the reforms, celebrated the Novus Ordo Mass, ordained priests in the New Rite and consecrated bishops in the New Rite. Why would Pope Gregory XVII adopt sacraments and liturgical re-forms enacted by men whom he knew were false Popes? What sort of man does "our last true Pope" turn out to be?
10.A: This would seem to be the crux of Vennari’s argument of ‘untenability’. It is unthinkable to him that Pope Gregory XVII if he were a true pope would have participated in the Second Vatican Council called by a man he knew to be an Anti Pope. There is documented *witness of Pope Gregory XVII as a virtual hostage to the Masonic Order/s in control of the Vatican. The persecuted Pope's now, well known statement to *Fr. Khoat (who heroically got behind the enemy lines) on June 14th, 1988: "They can kill me at any time" would seem to make no impression upon Vennari. Incredibly, it is unthinkable to the author of the The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendia, that a hostage would 'carry on' as directed - even if he had a goal for His papacy.
Regarding Roncalli’s announcement of his Council to the world (Jan. 25, 1959), Pope Gregory XVII told 30 Days Magazine (Jan 17, 1985): "But what happened at that moment I don’t know because I had a cold – I have had two or three in my life - and I did not go to Rome for a month. So I don’t know what happened on January 25, 1959."
Now, this is a most unusual statement. How many people remember the days in which they had colds (by date!) – twenty-six years later? The hostage pope is telling anyone who cares to know that he was extremely reluctant to attend Roncalli’s Anti-Council. Although he can remember the precise date of his cold, he can’t remember what happened on the date Roncalli announced his Anti Council. In other (non-verbal) words: he blocked this out like a traumatic event. Maybe he did so because the spectacle of an antipope calling an ecumenical council was unthinkable, unbelievable and more than he could bear. What is documented is that Pope Gregory XVII asked his interviewer -Stefano M. Paci- to switch off his tape recorder from time to time because of the delicate and sensitive nature of the subject matter; another clue that he was being closely monitored by his captors who had many agents, many ways of knowing and hearing. "They can kill me at any time."
Only the God Whom he consoled by his sacrifices knows what hidden sufferings were endured by the Holy Father in his captivity.
But the Paci interview for 30 Days Magazine gets more interesting: "The idea of a Council", Pope Gregory tells us "was already circulating. Pius XII, I believe, had even set up a small commission which quietly studied the proposal."
Paci asked: Why was it put aside?
Pope Gregory reported that Pope Pius XII had said: "To prepare for a Council would take at least 20 years. So I can not do it; my successor will do it."
So as the designated successor of Pope Pius XII, and his true successor, according to the choice of the Conclave (1958) Pope Gregory could have called a Council, had his Cardinals not betrayed him and kept the secret of the 1958 Conclave. And right before Roncalli’s Anti- Council, Pope Gregory told the Italian magazine Orizzonti what the Council of Pope Pius XII’s successor would have to address, namely "…very important doctrinal matters. [As opposed to the concern of Vatican Council II with ‘pastoral’ issues]. The first task entrusted by Our Lord to His church being the teaching of truth. [As in the See of Peter set up for the light to the world, Pope Leo XIII] The Church is confronted with pernicious doctrines and serious errors. As to the powers of the laity, they must continue substantially to be those traditionally accepted and defined by Our Saviour when he established the sacred hierarchy."
So right away, we see Pope Gregory’s hostility to Modernism (the sum of all heresies) as corroborated in the Campos Profession of Faith: "Religious liberty, understood in the sense of an equalisation of rights between truth and error, giving supremacy to a supposed subjective right of man, to the prejudice of the absolute right of Truth, of Good, of God and as a consequence laicising the State" and of the Church through "Democritisation of The Church by means of a collegial government in opposition to the hierarchical and monarchical constitution given to Her by Our Lord. The Laicisation of Society, that brings to life once more the cry of the Jews at the death of Jesus refusing to accept His social Kingship and not even recognising in Him the Supreme Legislator of human society."
Pope Gregory’s statement on the Anti-Council, however, is more succinct and before the fact, not after the fact.
As Our Lady of La Salette characterised her children of these our sad times: ‘those who can see’ – please consider this well.
Pope Gregory’s many interventions during the Council were all directed to block progress and promote the passage of conservative statements.
Pope Gregory stated that the Vatican II Council (Roncalli’s Anti-Council) was a terrible suffering for him. He termed the Council "the greatest mistake in history" as documented in the book by Benny Lai, The Unelected Pope: Giuseppi Siri, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church (1993:296-97)
The UPI reported more than 10 years after Vatican II that ‘Cardinal Siri suffered from a (first time ever) nervous condition specifically at the Council. In one instance he stated: "in any case, when I saw how fierce the attack was on the primacy of Peter, I prepared an intervention. I was ill. I suffered from spells of dizziness and I was unable to read and speak at the same time. Just as I began speaking, an attack came and I collapsed."
Was he drugged? Poisoned at the Anti Council? Our Lady of La Salette said there would be attempts on the life of the ‘suffering pope.’
No one can say. This does, however, remind me of another collapse in relation to the prophesied attack upon the Primacy of Peter. ("Where the See of Blessed Peter and the Chair of Truth have been set up for the light of the gentiles, there they have placed the throne of the abomination of their wickedness, so that, the Pastor having been struck" – Pope Leo XIII)
‘Those of you who can see’, please consider this well.
"Finally, in mid-October, 1943, Bishop de Silva made up his mind. He wrote to Sr. Lucia [of the Immaculate Heart], giving her the express order that she had besought of him: to write down the Third Confidence of Our Lady of Fatima. However, new difficulties would arise. Sister Lucy experienced at that time, for almost three months, a mysterious and terrible anguish. She has related that each time she sat down at her worktable and took up her pen in order to write down the Secret, she found herself obstructed from doing it. Guessing what a terrible weapon this great prophecy could set up against his dominion over souls and his plan to penetrate the very heart of the Church, such a trial endured by the seer thus indicated the magnitude of the grandiose event which was about to be carried out, should the Secret be put down on paper. On Christmas Eve, Sister Lucy confided to her director that she had still been unable to obey the order that she had been given.
"Finally, on the 2nd of January, 1944, (this is very little known) the Blessed Virgin Mary Herself appeared again to Lucy. She confirmed to her that such was truly the Will of God and gave her the light and the strength to accomplish the writing that had been commanded." (The Third Secret Revealed- Bro Michael of the Holy Trinity. Part One.)
Congruent isn’t it, this collapse over The Pastor having been struck.
It is unthinkable to John Vennari that Cardinal Siri was truly the hidden and suffering pope of both history and prophecy. But it is thinkable to him that John XXIII, a Freemason, could be pope. The Holy Office had kept a file on Angelo Roncalli since 1925 – "suspected of Modernism." He had Masonic affiliations. The Grand Master of the Italian Grand Orient claimed he had been initiated into a Masonic lodge when he was Nuncio in Paris in the decade of the 1940s. The Masons themselves extol "the Revolution of John XXIII." -Yves Marsaudon, 1964 Ecumenism As Seen By A French Freemason. (www.thepopeinred.com/thesis.htm)
It is unthinkable to John Vennari that if Pope Gregory XVII were the true pope, then he would never have signed the Council decrees. Yet he stated: "We will not be bound by these decrees." ‘Those who can see’ please note the royal ‘We’ in the Holy Father’s statement. This is the way the Popes of old would speak. Another important clue that his signature was coerced and that his own authority took precedence over the anti-papacy and the anti- council.
It is unthinkable to John Vennari that if Pope Gregory XVII was the true pope, he would have adopted the reforms of the Anti-Council, celebrated the Novus Ordo Missae, ordained priests in the New Rite, and consecrated bishops in the New Rite. But it is thinkable to John Vennari that the man who substituted a new modernist religion for the ancient faith, new sacraments and extinguished the sacrament of Orders under the Seal of the Fisherman’s Ring, was the true Pope.
The Pope In Red website cites evidence that Pope Gregory XVII resisted all of this.
Walter Matt's Remnant Newspaper reported that in Genoa (where Pope Gregory presided as Cardinal Archbishop in official capacity) churches looked the same in 1989 as they had in 1940. (Priests offered mass facing the altars with no conciliar Masonic table of the book in sight). There is evidence he covertly ordained priests for the Church in eclipse. As the sacrament of Orders had been extinguished in the Novus Ordo, the significance of this can hardly be understated. However, it is also clear that he had great remorse over the compromises that he made to fulfill the goals of his papacy.
Paragraph 11. Vennari’s question (paragraph 11): ‘Why would he in any way submit to this destructive Council if he knew it to be the work of papal imposters?"
11.A: The work of the Council is not merely the work of papal impostors but the work of specific agencies for the rulers of this present age of darkness (Eph 6:12). It was a part of a great net and strategem which John Vennari well documents in The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita: a Masonic Blueprint for the Subversion of the Church. But this is a real question and it is to John Vennari’s credit that he can at least raise it. I would not claim to have the answer to this question. What we do have is both sacred pattern and precedent.
In Gethsemane the disciples (before they fled) were inclined to confront the soldiers of the Sanhedrin who sought the life of Our Lord.
11.B: They chose to follow the course commended by Vennari in his praise of "Archbishop" Lefebvre and Bishop Castro Mayer of the Diocese of Campos. Where is the work they founded and supported with their Episcopal authority now? The SSPX is hopelessly compromised in the un-Catholic position of recognising a "de jure" pope and resisting his magisterium – promulgated under the seal of the Fisherman’s Ring. This is no more a legitimate Catholic position than that Vatican II is the magisterium of the Catholic Church; a magisterium that "Archbishop" Lefebvre stated was "riddled with Masonic errors." There is no such thing as a magisterium of Holy Church riddled with Masonic errors. To think otherwise is frankly heretical
11.C: "As my statements show, I accept everything that, in the Council and in the reforms, is in full agreement with tradition... Our seminary corresponds completely to the desires expressed at the Council... The success of our seminaries among the youth makes it completely clear we are not sclerotics (inflexible), but that we are completely adapted to the necessities of the apostolate of our time." (Letter from Marcel Lefebvre, former "Archbishop" of Tulle, Encone, to (antipope) Paul VI. December 3, 1976).
Paragraph 13. "Only one event could have given credence to the Siri Thesis: if Cardinal Siri had resigned his office immediately after the 1958 election. The case of Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton at Vatican II comes to mind."
13-16A: The disciples who fled the Garden of Gethsemane followed the course commended by Vennari in his praise of Msgr. Joseph Clifford Fenton, the editor of the American Ecclesiastical Review in the 1950’s. When informed by the Sons of the Widow Cardinal Bea and Father John Courtney Murray that Fr. Murray’s position would become the teaching of Vatican II, "Msgr. Fenton immediately returned from Rome and resigned as Ed. of the AER, allegedly for health reasons." He fled. "He virtually disappeared and died in New England in 1969." This is a sad story. And it is precisely the type of response to the overthrow of the Chair of Peter and the establishment of the antipapacy that the Sion Dynasts and their Illuminist orders and lodges would want. I am sure the Sons of the Widow who succeeded in the 1958 coup d’etat were pleased not to have an adversary in Msgr Fenton.
Paragraph 17. "If this is how Msgr. Fenton behaved when confronted with a grave crisis of conscience, what must we expect from Cardinal Siri when faced with a crisis of infinitely greater magnitude? Cardinal Siri did not resign; he remained in visible communion with the post-1958 popes until his death."
Indeed. As the true pope de jure, Pope Gregory XVII made sacrifices that required much sterner stuff than the resignation of Msgr. Fenton for reasons of ill health.
For this was the hour of the mystical passion of Holy Church. "I have lived a very long life, and I have known men... and traitors. But I have never revealed the names of the traitors. I do not perform the work of the executioner. I know, however, how much it costs to speak the truth. They have not succeeded in making me ill, but they have succeeded in making me sad and depressed. But Jeremiah had enough lamentations; there's no need for me to add to them." (Words of "Cardinal Siri" 30 Days Magazine January 17, 1985 A.D.)
The disciples could not drink of the chalice (Matt 20:22; Mark 10:38) that Our Lord had prayed would pass from Him in His agony in the garden, but in the end He agreed with His Father: ‘Thy will be done." He would drink of that chalice. (John 18:11) But then, when the Prince of this World had come, he had nothing in Our Lord and he had nothing in the Immaculate. Even so, Our Lord prophesied about His apostles: "Ye shall drink indeed of my chalice." (Matt 20:23; Mark 10:39) because He knew The Sanctifier would come.
If Gregory XVII was the true pontiff de jure; it is not unthinkable that under the shadow of the eclipse of the Church, alone with Our Lord in the Garden, he would choose to follow this pattern of Our Lord’s submission in the service of ends that only Our Lord in His Divine Soul could understand. Of the sacrifice of the "suffering pope" to whom she referred at La Salette, Our Lady said: "I will be with him to receive his sacrifice." She means the sacrifice of a Pope who knew he himself to be presiding over the Mystical Passion of Holy Church.
Paragraph 12. "…Siri repeatedly refers to ‘Pope Paul VI’, something no honest man would do who knew himself to be the true Pope."
A more important judgement over the decisions and actions of the true pope are the words: "Ye shall drink indeed of my chalice." Let John Vennari make of this what he will. And yes, I believe that Cardinal Siri as Pope Gregory XVII was the sovereign pontiff when he wrote Gethsemane. His reference to Pope Paul VI is a reference to a "de facto" pope who is a de jure Antipope. And for his edification, he bears witness to his errors and his betrayal of the Magisterium of Holy Church.
Paragraphs 19. Cardinal Ottaviani is also praised for his actions. "The Siri Thesis becomes even more untenable when we consider that Cardinal Ottaviani did not want modernist theologians present at Vatican II but only allowed them because of John XXIII’s insistance."
19.A: That should be at Pope John XXIII's insistence to John Vennari. I agree that Cardinal Ottaviani was right and honest to object to Modernist theologians at the Vatican II Council. According to the Magisterium of the Catholic Church, Modernism is the sum of all heresies. But, recognising antipope John XXIII as the de jure pope, Cardinal Ottaviani was faced with a choice between the decision of his pope against the Church and the Magisterium of the Church. He deferred to his pope. How exactly does this make The Siri Thesis untenable?
Paragraph 22. "It makes no sense for Cardinal Ottaviani to carry out an order so destructive to the Church unless he felt obliged to do so through obedience to the Pope. But if he knew that [should be Pope] John XXIII [to John Vennari] was not Pope anyway, because of dirty dealings at the 1958 Conclave, he would have no reason to tolerate these suspect theologians at the Council."
22.A: Well they were hardly suspect. Modernism, the sum of all heresies, was represented by name at the Vatican II Council: Rahner, Chenu, Lubac, Kung, et al. The peritii Cardinal Ottaviani rightly wished to exclude reads like a "Who’s Who" of the Index. Has it not occurred to John Vennari that Cardinal Ottaviani, bound by the Secret of the 1958 Conclave, knew that antipope John XXIII was not the pope and collaborated with him under duress and not just because he was bound by the Secret? And how about the historic and well-known photo of Antipope Paul VI walking in procession - giving away the sacred Papal Tiara (literally fulfilling the Prophecy of Premol of the breaking of the Tiara) to the Masonic UN-- who is to the papal imposter's right? But, in all fairness, a mortified Cardinal Ottaviani. (view photo) Put it another way, what did Cardinal Bea and the B’nai B’rith have on Cardinal Ottaviani?
*(Note: This paragraph was added 01/27/08 -ED) *The hidden events of the 1958 Conclave thus fulfilled the stated goal of the Lodge B'nai - B'rith in 1936: "Before the Jewish King can reign in the world, the pope in Rome must be dethroned." (See: Fr. Pranaitis's The Talmud Unmasked on this subject.) Regarding the implication that [a certain] Cardinal McIntyre denied that the report of Giuseppe Siri's election was anything more than a "story," it would not be the first time that a cardinal, or the entire college of cardinals, had lied about the results of a papal election. In 1378, the cardinals who had just elected Bartolomeo Prignano, who took the name Pope Urban VI (1378-89), to the supreme pontificate, became afraid of what might have been the reaction to their choice by the Roman mob which burst into the conclave, and announced instead that they had elected the Roman Cardinal Tibaldeschi. The confusion and bitterness that resulted from that one lie of the fearful cardinals, caused the forty-year long Great Western Schism, which produced a succession of antipopes and nearly brought the Church to ruin.
Does the author of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita have no concept of what a Masonic revolution looks like?
As previously stated, Cardinal Ottaviani is oft cited in the pages of CFN because of his famous statement regarding the Third Secret of Fatima. So Vennari is at least aware that what passes for ‘the great façade’ in the pages of CFN is in fact the Great Apostasy.
Writing of the universal testimony of the early Fathers of the Church concerning precisely those times, Henry Edward Cardinal Manning writes:
"The apostasy of the city of Rome from the vicar of Christ and its destruction by Antichrist may be thoughts so new to many Catholics, that I think it well to recite the text of theologians of greatest repute. First Malvenda, who writes expressly on the subject, states as the opinion of Ribera, Gaspar Melus, Biegas, Suarrez, Bellarmine and Bosius that Rome shall apostatise from the faith, drive away the Vicar of Christ and return to its ancient paganism. Malvenda’s words are: ‘But Rome itself in the last times of the world will return to its ancient idolatry, power and imperial greatness. It will cast out its Pontiff, altogether apostatise from the Christian faith, terribly persecute the Church, shed the blood of martyrs more cruelly than ever and will recover its former state of abundant wealth, or even greater than it had under its first rulers." -Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861. London: Burns and Lambert. Pp. 89-90.
So, if we are living through the times of the Great Apostasy (according to Cardinal Ottaviani), then according to the universal testimony of the early Fathers of the Church, Rome has cast out its Pontiff and altogether apostasised from the faith. Well, the invitation of Modernist theologians to the Vatican Council II is certainly evidence that the sum of all heresies was well represented at the Council. So again, how exactly does this make The Siri Thesis so untenable? Or does it rather confirm it according to the universal testimony of the Early Fathers of the Church?
But this gets worse. Under the antipapacy we do see Rome returning to its pantheon (ecumenism) and building the new world order through the Club of Rome and the EU. Anitpope Benedict XVI has "announced" that ‘the Church’ now has a mission to the world with Jews (who deny that Our Lord has come in the flesh). Through ostpolitik, the antipapacy betrayed the Catholics behind the Iron Curtain where arguably more blood has been shed for the faith than in all the centuries of the Church. Yet it is unthinkable to John Vennari that Rome has cast out the Pontiff of the Catholic Church. Such a failure to grasp even the most basic facts by the author of The Permanent Instruction of the Alta Vendita demonstrates that he has no grasp of his own subject matter, let alone the matter of the Hidden Papacy.
Paragraph 18. "Lastly if the "Siri Thesis" were true, then every Cardinal at the 1958 conclave is implemented [that probably should be implicated] in the swindle."
18.A: Exactly. The truth will out. Even in John Vennari’s telling slip of the pen "every Cardinal at the 1958 conclave is implemented." – calls to mind the intention of The Permanent Instruction to instrumentalise the Church for the purposes of the Masonic world agenda.
This does not refute The Siri Thesis. It gives the greatest possible import to Pope Gregory’s statement: "the secret is horrible." And shouldn’t that remind us of Fr. Malachi Martin’s oft quoted comment on the Third Secret of Fatima. "It is horrible, the worst you can imagine – and then some." The words of Sr. Lucia of Fatima to Fr. Fuentes (Dec. 26, 1957) should be placed in this context. "Father, the devil is in the mood for engaging in a decisive battle against the Blessed Virgin. And the devil knows what it is that most offends God and which in short space of time will gain for him the greatest number of souls…my mission is not to indicate to the world the material punishments that are certain to come if the world does not pray and do penance beforehand. No! My mission is to indicate to everyone the imminent danger we are in of losing our souls for all eternity…" The year was 1957 and the Oct. 1958 conclave was less than a year away.
If this is the worst that Vennari can imagine, I think he has hit the nail square on the head in spite of himself; and then some.
And then, through the suicide of "changing" the Faith of the Church and Her Sacred Liturgy (against which Pope Pius XII warned), the antipapacy would extinguish the sacraments: first the sacrament of Holy Orders, then the sacrament of the Mass. Through the Novus Ordo Missae, the antipapacy would change the consecration of the wine in order to bring the Church – all professing Catholics seeking to persevere in their holy faith and in obedience to the Roman Pontiff – under the solemn anathemas of Trent.
By what criteria, or upon which precedent, could the sacrifice of the submission of the sovereign pontiff of the Catholic Church to his enemies be understood – exiled from Rome, at the mercy of his enemies? ("They can kill me at any time.")
It is a fact that Pope Gregory offered the canonised Roman Rite of immemorial Tradition. He offered the sacrifice at the time when the sacrament of the altar was being extinguished in the Novus Ordo Missae, when the Catholic world in communion with the antipapacy was being brought under the anathema of the Council of Trent.
De Fide is liturgically set forth in the most sacred possession of Holy Church, as it was developed from the institution of Christ and the Apostles and canonised in perpetuity at the Council of Trent. According to the Catechism of Trent, the basic words of the institution themselves are Christ's own. For the consecration of The Wine, they are:
The Catechism infallibly instructs us that: the words "Of the New Testament" have been added that we might understand the blood of Christ the Lord to be given not under a figure as was done in the Old Law, of which we read in the Epistle to the Hebrews that without the blood a testament is not dedicated; but to be given to men in truth and in reality, as becomes the New Testament. Hence, the Apostle says: Christ therefore is the mediator of the New Testament, that by means of his death, they who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance."…"The additional words for you and for many ‘PRO MULTIS’ are taken, some from Matthew, some from Luke, but were joined together by the Catholic Church under the guidance of the Spirit of God. They serve to declare the fruit and advantage of His Passion. For if we look to its value, we must confess that the Redeemer shed His blood for the salvation of all; but if we look to the fruit which mankind has received from it, we shall easily find that it pertains not unto all, but to many of the human race. When therefore, Our Lord said: "For you:" he meant either those who were present or those chosen from among the Jewish people, such as were the disciples with whom He was speaking (with the exception of Judas). When He added, "And for many" He wished to be understood to mean the remainder of the elect from among the Gentiles."
"With reason, therefore, were the words "for all’ [as used in the Novus Ordo Missae] not used, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation. And this is the purport of the Apostle when he says: ‘Christ was offered once to exhaust the sins of many; and also the words of Our Lord in John: ‘I pray not for the world, but for them whom Thou hast given me, because they are Thine."
Thus the dogma of the Faith of Holy Church affirms the words of the consecration of The Wine in the Latin Rite. The Novus Ordo Missae removes the Mystery of Faith [MYSTERIUM FIDEI] in the consecration. This now becomes the proclamation of the faithful as in: "Let us proclaim the mystery of faith. Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again." Whereas according to Trent, the sacrament of His blood is the MYSTERIUM FIDEI. And the church of the Novus Ordo specifically consecrates the chalice of the Sacrament of His Blood ‘for all’ thus placing itself under the anathema of Trent. This consecration is becoming the basis of the emergent ecumenical church of all faiths and nations. Also anathema through the blasphemy of the MYSTERIUM FIDEI. (Apoc 18:1-3)
"Never, never will a storm have been so strong against any other Pontiff. He is already a martyr before undergoing martyrdom. He is suffering before the hour has come. But he offers his own person and the blood of his veins for all his torturers and for those who are making terrible attempts upon his life. How many exiles to be suffered!" (Revelation of Maria Julia Jahenny, d. 1941)
With Ecclesiastical Approval
For this reason do I say that the hidden pope offered the immemorial sacrifice in the Latin Rite at the time when the sacrament of the altar was being extinguished and the Catholic world was coming under the anathema of Trent through their communion with the antipapacy.
It is possible that in his official and public capacity as Cardinal Archbishop of Genoa, Pope Gregory was compelled to offer the Novus Ordo Missae. If so, it is not unreasonable to think that he made a sacrifice of submission to the de facto papacy (the de jure antipapacy) and offered the *new mass. He was a hostage to the Masonic order (this would be the pyramidion of Masonry) in control of the Vatican. It is reasonable to suppose that under this degree of scrutiny, the performance of his public duties in terms of the new order was mandatory.
If Pope Gregory offered the Novus Ordo Missae, *it certainly would have been possible for him to substitute the true and immemorial consecration of the chalice for the new consecration. The altars of his archdiocese were placed correctly. There was no Masonic table of the Book of the Law against the true altar of sacrifice. The "Hic est enim calix…" is spoken with the priest facing the altar and bowed over the chalice. I think there is every reason to believe that even if he was coerced into saying the new mass, he could make a true consecration of the host.
And it will be objected that Pope Gregory offered the new mass in his official capacity. He was under a documented death threat for 31 years. Let us say that for the sake of argument, he discharged his public duty as ordered and said the new mass of the antipapacy. As alluded to above, why could it not be thought that in this action the supreme pontiff "obeyed" exteriorly, with the pure intention of making intercession for the Church in this hour of Her mystical passion? Pope Gregory’s mass would have been the pontifical mass. Why could it not be possible to believe that as the Catholic world was passing under the anathema of Trent, the value of the souls being lost weighed upon the pastoral heart of the Holy Father? Why would it not be possible to believe that the true sacrifice was within him and prevailed?
As the Cardinal Archbishop and rector of the seminary in Genoa, he had more latitude to teach the Canonised Rite whether secretly or openly and to ordain valid priests and hierarchy for the Traditional Rite and the needs of Holy Church. Clearly this legacy was the reason for his papacy in exile.
"I see the Holy Father in great distress. He lives in another palace and receives only a few in his presence. If the wicked party know their own great strength, they would even now have made an attack. I fear the Holy Father will suffer many tribulations before his death, for I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground, I see its fatal influence on the public. The distress of the Holy Father and of the Church is really so great that one ought to pray to God day and night. I have been told to pray much for the Church and the Pope...The people must pray earnestly for the extirpation (Rooting out, destruction) of the dark church." -Prophetic Vision of Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824 A.D.) Augustinian Nun, Stigmatist from the book, The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, by Very Rev. Carl E. Schmoger, C.SS.R, Vol. ii, pages (Ibid, pages 292-293)
This pattern is in conformation with Our Lord’s sacrifice. Whether the souls at CFN believe The Siri Thesis or not, such actions of conformity to Our Lord in His Passion should at least look familiar whether they place stock in it or not.
John Vennari should think upon this well before resorting to epithets such as scoundrel in relation to Pope Gregory XVII’s sacrifice of submission to the antipapacy.
As Our Lady said at La Salette: "I will be with him at the end to receive his sacrifice." But neither he nor his successor would live to see the triumph of the Church of God. So there were successors consecrated for the needs of Holy Church at this time of unprecedented crisis. Now as far as we know, the See is vacant.
I wish to seriously propose to John Vennari and the CFN writers who "place no stock in this whatsoever" that what we actually are witnessing in these our sad times is not a great façade or the need for a ‘traditional movement’ within the church. By definition there can be no such thing as ‘a traditional movement within the Church’. With Her Mark of One (the See of Peter, whether occupied presently or not) - the Church is one in Her Sacred Tradition. A Pope, so called, who busies himself with extinguishing the sacraments, inventing a new, Modernist, one-world faith based upon everything Holy Church in Her Sacred Tradition condemns as hostile to Our Lord (and this just for starters) is no more the pope than the Patriot Act is constitutional.
Of the times of the Great Apostasy when the Chair of Peter is overturned (as foreseen in Pope Leo XIII’s prophetic vision) there is much extant and authoritative literature. Holy Church is now scattered. She worships outside the jurisdiction of the antipapacy, just as she worshiped outside of the jurisdiction of the Arian bishops during the centuries of the Arian crisis.
"Then the Church shall be scattered, driven into the wilderness, and shall be for a time, as it was in the beginning, invisible hidden in catacombs, in dens, in mountains, in lurking places; for a time it shall be swept, as it were from the face of the earth. Such is the universal testimony of the Fathers of the early Church." -Henry Edward Cardinal Manning, The Present Crisis of the Holy See, 1861, London: Burns and Lambert p. 88.
Catholic Family News website features the petition, "Pope St. Pius X, champion against Modernism, pray for us!" This great Pope and Saint testified of our times:
"The Rock has always withstood the test of time. But one will be entered into the House of God. Woe to man when he places him upon the See of Peter for then the Great Day of the Lord is at hand."
What we are witnessing is the mystical passion of Holy Church: "so that the Pastor having been struck, they [the agents of AntiChrist] may be able to scatter the flock." (Pope Leo XIII Invocation of the Archangel Michael, and Matt. 26:31). We have witnessed the flight of the true pontiff and his exile from Rome (as attested by the early Fathers, by all the theologians cited by Cardinal Manning and by the Queen of Prophets at La Salette). We have witnessed the sacrifice of the Hidden Pope’s submission to the de facto authority of the antipapacy, which has power with Satan at this time of the eclipse of the Church. And the testament to his martyrdom in prophecy and in history is coming together.
Let these facts be submitted to a candid world.
At Fatima were the means revealed by which Holy Church would be exalted through the Triumph of the Immaculate: the scapular of Carmel and the Holy Rosary. These were to be the last remedies, as Sr. Lucia was to say later in her final interview Dec. 26, 1957. These were to be the means for the sanctification of Catholics in the time when the means for sanctification, which Christ willed for His Church, would be all but extinguished. So it should be as plain as plain why the antipapacy and the ecumenical movement as one hate the Queenship of Mary.
And at the Cebaco, the Archangel revealed the standard of victory: the infinite merit of the union of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts from which unimaginable graces would flow to those who are going to stand with Holy Church in this time of Her mystical passion and the Great Apostasy.
And at Tuy, when Our Lord spoke to Sr Lucia of the Immaculate Heart of Mary about his own purposes for this time of immense trial: "I wish my Church to place the devotion to this Immaculate Heart beside the devotion to my Sacred Heart."
"The Rock has always withstood the test of time. But one will be entered into the House of God. Woe to man when he places him upon the See of Peter for then, the Great Day of the Lord is at hand." Pope St. Pius X
"Arise then, O Invincible Prince"
Minneapolis, MN from The Editor and Staff of In Today's Catholic World, September 19th, 2006 A.D.
The 160th year Anniversary of the Apparition of the Blessed Virgin on the Mountain of La Salette, France (September, 19, 1846 A.D.)
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