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![]() A Cardinal on the Move: picture of His Eminence, Giuseppe Cardinal Siri of Genoa, Italy, at the Ospedale Galliera (a Hospital in Genoa of which he was the President) approximately one year before he was elected the Pope of the Catholic Church on October 26, 1958 A.D., (and) chose the name Gregorius XVII
"Father, the Blessed Virgin is very sad because no one heeds her message; neither the good nor the bad. The good continue on with their life of virtue and apostolate, but they do not unite their lives to the message of Fatima. Sinners keep following the road of evil because they do not see the terrible chastisement about to befall them. Believe me, Father, God is going to punish the world
The Siri "Thesis" (FACT) holds that actually Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope, after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, but the newly-elected Pope (Gregory XVII, formerly Cardinal Siri) was *put under grave duress, threatened- prevented from taking the Papal Chair (i.e. publically proclaiming His Pontificacy) and replaced by Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII). There is evidence that in 1958, during the Conclave, the enemies of the Church were threatening "Siri" with mass destruction if he took the Chair of Peter (i.e. as stated "Cardinal Siri" after being canonically elected, accepted the papacy and chose the name Gregory XVII - the 5th column enemies within the Conclave walls themselves, then used ferocious and vicious, real threats against Pope Gregory XVII, if he publically were to announce he was the True Pope.) Pursuant to this thesis, all of the apparent 'popes' after Pope Pius XII were/are imposters (Anti-popes), as "Siri" was the true Pope. *"Resignation is invalid by law if it was made out of grave fear unjustly inflicted, fraud, substantial error, or simony" (1917 Code of Canon Law, Canon 185). "Siri" (a.k.a. Pope Gregory XVII) expired on May 2, 1989 A.D., and is said to have passed on the true pontificate to an as yet unknown successor, who will emerge in due time after the eclipse of the Church predicted at LaSalette has come to an end. It was a suppressed pontificate in the person of Cardinal Joseph Siri of Genoa, who was canonically elected in 1958, but immediately overthrown, and was intimidated into keeping silent about his status (as were his cardinals) for 31 years.
![]() The Pious Shepherdess Melanie Calvat, Seer at La Salette, France (c. 1846 A.D.) "The Church will be eclipsed. At first, we will not know which is the true pope." -Melanie Calvat For, in commenting on this part of the secret, Melanie said to the French Abbot Combe, "The Church will be eclipsed. At first, we will not know which is the true pope. Then secondly, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will cease to be offered in churches and houses; it will be such that, for a time, there will not be public services any more. But I see that the Holy Sacrifice has not really ceased: it will be offered in barns, in alcoves, in caves, and underground." (Abbot Combe: "The Secret of Melanie and the Actual Crisis", Rome, 1906, p. 137) "Therefore when you shall see "the abomination of desolation" which was spoken of by Daniel the Prophet (Daniel 9:27), standing in the holy place (he that readeth, let him understand) then they that are in Iewrie, let them flee to the mountaines...." (Matthew 24:15-28) Annotations by the Douay Fathers, 1582 A.D., for the above quote: "... the abomination of desolation foretold, was partly fulfilled in diverse profanations of the Temple of Jerusalem, when the sacrifice and service of God was taken away. But specially it shall be fulfilled by Antichrist and his Precursors, when they shall abolish the holy Mass, which is the Sacrifice Of Christ's Body and Blood, and the only sovereign worship due to God in His Church . . . By which it is plain that the heretics of those days will be special fore-runners of Antichrist." (Matthew 24:15 - "Annotations," The New Testament, 1582, The English College of Rhemes, John Fogny, page 71)
The Will of Christ Jesus for His Church:
Therefore, if anyone says that it is not by the institution of Christ the Lord Himself (that is to say, by divine law) that blessed Peter should have perpetual successors in the primacy over the whole Church; or that the Roman Pontiff is not the successor of blessed Peter in this primacy: let him be anathema. (The Vatican Council, Fourth Session, First Dogmatic Constitution on the Church of Christ, - Ch. 2,5 On The Permanence of the Primacy of Blessed Peter in the Roman Pontiff -July 18th, 1870 A.D.)
Compiled by William G. von Peters, Ph.D. (Note: the webmaster of thepopeinred.com added all pictures and their accompanying captions. Also an imperative announcement for all Catholics regarding this Living History was added at the end of the Siri Thesis (FACT) June 2006 A.D.)
Precisions on the Great Disaster (from Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupont)
Matt. 24:39: "And they did not understand until the flood came and swept them all away."
"...The Church is persecuted; the Pope leaves Rome and dies in exile; an anti-pope is installed in Rome; the Catholic Church is split, leaderless and completely disorganized..."
7. Pius IX: "There will be a great prodigy which will fill the world with awe. But this prodigy will be preceded by the triumph of a revolution during which the Church will go through ordeals that are
beyond description."
18. From St. Malachy: De Mediatate Lunae ("From the Midst of the Moon", often translated, "From the Half of the Moon"). The biblical symbolism of the "moon" is "the worldly kingdom" or the temporal order." This Pope may therefore be elected from the midst of cardinals who are mainly influenced by worldly ideas (social gospel, etc.), or he may be elected at a time when the forces of Satan (the "Prince of this
World") have virtual control of the entire earth via their secret government, possibly even influencing the papal election, so that an agent of the world antichrist government is elected Pope."
De Labore Solis ("Of the Labor of the Sun"): This is the same symbol of that of Apocalypse 12:1-5, of a woman clothed with the sun in labor to give birth to a son, who subsequently rules the earth with "a rod of iron." H.B. Kramer, interpreting the Apocalypse in his Book of Destiny, maintains this figure represents a highly disputed papal election (dispute = labor; woman = Church; sun = light of divine truth).
21. St. Pius X: "I saw one of my successors taking to flight over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in disguise somewhere; and after a short retirement he will die a cruel death."
22. Pius XII: "We believe that the present hour is a dread phase of the events foretold by Christ. It seems that darkness is about to fall on the world. Humanity is in the grip of a supreme crisis."
27. Old German Prophecy: "...The doctrine will be perverted, and they will try to overthrow the Catholic Church..."
33. Nicolas of Fluh: "The Church will be punished because the majority of her members, high and low, will become so perverted. The Church will sink deeper and deeper until she will at last seem to be
extinguished, and the succession of Peter and the other Apostles to have expired. But, after this, she will be victoriously exalted in the sight of all doubters."
46.2. Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser (17th century): "The fifth period is one of affliction, desolation, humiliation, and poverty for the Church. Jesus Christ will purify His people through cruel wars, famines, plague epidemics, and other horrible calamities. He will also afflict and weaken the Latin Church with many heresies. It is a period of defection, calamities and extermination..."
46.3. "During this period the Wisdom of God guides the Church in several ways: 1) by chastising the Church so that riches may not corrupt her completely; 2) by interposing the Council of Trent like a light in the darkness, so that the Christians who see the light may know what to believe, 3) by setting St. Ignatius and his Society in opposition to Luther and other heretics; 4) by carrying to remote lands the Faith which has been banned in most of Europe."
46.6 "During this unhappy period, there will be laxity in divine and human precepts. Discipline will suffer. The Holy Canons will be completely disregarded, and the Clergy will not respect the laws of the
Church. Everyone will be carried away and led to believe and to do what he fancies, according to the manner of the flesh."
46.7 "They will ridicule Christian simplicity; they will call it folly and nonsense, but they will have the highest regard for advanced knowledge, and for the skill by which the axioms of the law, the precepts of
morality, the Holy Canons and religious dogmas are clouded by senseless questions and elaborate arguments. As a result, no principle at all, however holy, authentic, ancient, and certain it may be, will remain free of censure, criticism, false interpretation, modification, and delimitation by man."
46.8 "These are evil times, a century full of dangers and calamities. Heresy is everywhere, and the followers of heresy are in power almost everywhere. Bishops, prelates, and priests say that they are doing their duty, that they are vigilant, and that they live as befits their state in life. In like manner, therefore, they all seek excuses. But God will permit a great evil against His Church: Heretics and tyrants will come suddenly and unexpectedly; they will break into the Church while bishops, prelates and priests are asleep. They will enter Italy and lay Rome waste; they will burn down the churches and destroy everything."
51.1 (Nursing Nun of Bellay, 1810-1830): "Once again the madmen seem to gain the upper hand! They laugh God to scorn. Now, the churches are closed; the pastors run away; the Holy Sacrifice ceases."
51.2 "Woe to thee, corrupt city! the wicked try to destroy everything; their books and their doctrines are swamping the world. But the day of justice is come..."
52.2 (Jeanne le Royer, Sister of the Nativity): "I saw a great power rise up against the Church. It plundered, devastated, and threw into confusion and disorder the vine of the Lord, having it trampled
underfoot by the people and holding it up to ridicule by all nations.
Having vilified celibacy and oppressed the priesthood, it had the
effrontery to confiscate the Church's property, and to arrogate to itself
the powers of the Holy Father, whose person and whose laws it held in
53.1 (Ven. Anna-Katrina Emmerick): "I saw also the relationship
between the two popes. . . I saw how baleful would be the consequences
of this false church. I saw it increase in size; heretics of every kind came
into the city of Rome). The local clergy grew lukewarm, and I saw a
great darkness..."
53.2 "Once more I saw that the Church of Peter was undermined by a
plan evolved by the secret sect, while storms were damaging it."
Comment: Many prophecies predict an anti-pope and a schism.
53.3 "I saw a strange church being built against every rule. . . No
angels were supervising the building operations. In that church, nothing
came from high above. . . There was only division and chaos. It is
probably a church of human creation, following the latest fashion, as
well as the new heterodox church of Rome, which seems of the same
53.4 "I saw again the strange big church that was being built there (in
Rome). There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as I saw a
movement led by Ecclesiastics to which contributed angels, saints and
other Christians. But there (in the strange big church) all the work was
being done mechanically (i.e., according to set rules and formulae).
Everything was being done, according to human reason..."
53.5 "I saw all sorts of people, things, doctrines, and opinions. There
was something proud, presumptuous, and violent about it, and they
seemed to be very successful. I did not see a single Angel nor a single
saint helping in the work. But far away in the background, I saw the seat
of a cruel people armed with spears, and I saw a laughing figure which
said: 'Do build it as solid as you can; we will put it to the ground.'"
Comment: Two different churches seem to be indicated in this passage.
First, a puppet church set up by the Communists, and a "strange church"
comprising "all sorts of people and doctrines" (perhaps in the name of
Ecumenism), which will follow modern trends. This church is "unholy
and humanistic," but it is not Communist inspired, otherwise the
Communists would not want to pull it to the ground. This church is
either the true Catholic Church after it has bee completely subverted
from within, or it is a new church claiming to be the true Catholic
Church, if two popes are elected at the same time. Some prophecies
seem to warrant the inference that the true Catholic Church will
disappear completely for a while as an organization, but, although
disorganized, it will survive in the persons of the faithful members of
the clergy and laity who will go underground.
53.21 "Among the strangest things that I saw, were long processions of
bishops. Their thoughts and utterances were made known to me through
images issuing from their mouths. Their faults towards religion were
shown by external deformities. A few had only a body, with a dark cloud
of fog instead of a head. Others had only a head, their bodies and hearts
were like thick vapors. Some were lame; others were paralytics; others
were asleep or staggering."
53.23 "Then, I saw that everything that pertained to Protestantism was
gradually gaining the upper hand, and the Catholic religion fell into
complete decadence. Most priests were lured by the glittering but false
knowledge of young school-teachers, and they all contributed to the
work of destruction."
Comment: 6 non-Catholic ministers were invited to Vatican 2 in order to "help" in the changes of the Liturgy, break down the altars, place the tabernacle elsewhere, and set up a Cranmer table.
53.24 "In thence days, Faith will fall very low, and it will be preserved
in some places only, in a few cottages and in a few families which God
has protected from disasters and wars."
53.25 "I see many excommunicated ecclesiastics who do not seem to be
concerned about it, nor even aware of it. Yet, they are (ipso factor)
excommunicated whenever they cooperated to [sic] enterprises, enter
into associations, and embrace opinions on which an anathema has been
cast. It can be seen thereby that God ratifies the decrees, orders, and
interdictions issued by the Head of the Church, and that He keeps them
in force even though men show no concern for them, reject them, or
laugh them to scorn."
53.30 "I saw that many pastors allowed themselves to be taken up with
ideas that were dangerous to the Church. They were building a great,
strange, and extravagant Church. Everyone was to be admitted in it in
order to be united and have equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics
[Ecclesia dei and Lefebvre?], sects of every description. Such was to be
the new Church. . . But God had other designs."
55. The Prophecy of Premol (5th century): "...And I see the King of
Rome with his Cross and his tiara, shaking the dust off his shoes, and
hastening in his flight to other shores. Thy Church, O Lord, is ton apart
by her own children. One camp is faithful to the fleeing Pontiff, the
other is subject to the new government of Rome which has broken the
Tiara. But Almighty God will, in His mercy, put an end to this
confusion and a new age will begin. Then, said the Spirit, this is the
beginning of the End of Time."
Comment: From this prophecy, it is clear that the true Church will be
faithful to the Pope in exile; whereas, the new Pope in Rome will be, in
fact, an anti-pope. But, since a number of other prophecies tell us that
the true Pope will die in his exile, it follows then that the true Church
will be leaderless for some time. Then, it is not difficult to anticipate
what the anti-pope and renegade "hierarchy" and clergy will say: "See,
you so-called Pope is dead; and who can give you a new Pope now? Our
cardinals have already elected the new Pope, he is here in Rome." And,
indeed, since the true Church will be completely disorganized, and the
faithful Cardinals isolated, no new true Pope could be elected, and thus a
large number of Catholics will be misled into accepting the leadership of
the anti-pope.
Such a schism could not happen if the Pope followed A.
C. Emmerick's advice: "to stay in Rome". "But", she said, "the Pope is
still attached to the things of the earth." And, as is said elsewhere, "He
will want to save what he thinks can be saved." In other words, the true
Pope, whoever he is at that time, will use his human judgment and leave
Rome, instead of remaining firm in the face of the invaders.)
84. St. Thomas' Apocalypse -- Apocrypha (1st century): "Every man shall speak that which pleaseth him, and my priests shall not have peace among themselves but shall sacrifice unto me with deceitful minds. Then shall the priests behold the people departing from the House of the Lord and turning unto the world. The House of the Lord shall be desolate and her altars will be abhorred. The place of holiness shall be corrupted, and the priesthood polluted."
85. Holzhauser (17th century): "The Great Monarch will come when
the Latin Church is desolated, humiliated, and afflicted with many
86. B. Rembordt (18th century): "These things will come when they try
to set up a new kingdom of Christ from which the true faith will be
87. Oba Prophecy: "It will come when the Church authorities issue
directives to promote a new cult, when priests are forbidden to celebrate
in any other, when the higher positions in the Church are given to
perjurers and hypocrites, when only the renegades are admitted to
occupy those positions."
88. Ven. Anna-Kartarina Emmerick (19th Century): "I saw again the new
and odd-looking Church which they were trying to build. There was
nothing holy about it... People were kneading bread in the crypt below...
but it would not rise, nor did they receive the body of Our Lord, but only
bread. Those who were in error, through no fault of their own, and who
piously and ardently longed for the Body of Jesus were spiritually
consoled, but not by their communion. Then, my Guide [Jesus] said:
'THIS IS BABEL.' [The Mass in many languages]." (This prophecy was
made circa 1820 by Anna Katarina Emmerick, a stigmatized
Augustinian nun and is recorded in The Life of Anne Catherine
Emmerich by Rev. Carl E. Schmoeger, C.SS.R.)
Comment: The New Missal is an ominous sign of the destruction to
come, and these dire forebodings are in complete accord with what the
prophecies say, and which can be paraphrased thus: "They wanted to
make a new Church, a Church of human manufacture, but God had
other designs. The false Church shall be destroyed, and the enemy shall
overcome Rome. The pastors shall be scattered, persecuted, tortured, and
murdered. The Holy Father shall have to leave Rome, and he shall die a
cruel death. An anti-pope shall be set up in Rome."
...In the 15th century, the Church's great sin was immorality, but Faith
was alive. Then came the Reformation, and the wars of religion. Today,
however, the Church's sin is even greater because it is a sin against the
first of the cardinal virtues, namely Faith. The punish must needs be
commensurate. The latest and most significant contribution to the
process leading up to this is the New Missal, a pre-heretical [sic] rite,
which has made the Mass as changeable as the passing fashions of the
Cardinal Siri
At the 1958 conclave Siri was only 50 years old, and was the most
popular cleric in Italy. At 22 he was a priest and at 37 he was a bishop.
During the war, he organized soup kitchens for the poor. He was a
master of labor-management problems, it having been said that he had
settled more disputes, without strikes, than any other man in Italy. 1
Cardinal Siri was born 400 years to the date after Christopher
Columbus died (May 20, 1506) on May 20, 1906.
He was bishop of Genoa for 41 years. Was credited with persuading the
retreating German forces in World War II not to blow up the port.
He was Pius XII's chosen successor.
Expired on 2 May 1989 (Feast of Saint Athanasias) while saying "Tibi
Domine", Thine, Lord.
In 1967 he declared that for him the Council was "difficult labor and a
very great suffering."
Upon his advice Pope Pius XII halted the worker-priest movement, used
all of his influence in realizing the famous "Monitum" of the Holy
Office against Teilhard de Chardin, and forced John XXIII to
promulgate it. Radically opposed to Evolutionism. Because of his
spectacular intervention Paul VI renounced at the last minute his
intention to integrate "Synodal Fathers" into the Sacred College, as
electors of the Conclave. Forbade his seminarians from visiting Taize.
1988 - "Aids is a chastisement from God." For Siri the major Evil has
been the abolition of Hope, the transmutation of the Saving Mission of
the Church into material Messianism, the primary sign of which is the
"conspiracy of silence on the Last Times."
"In the pontificate of Pius XII Siri had been a prodigy, becoming bishop
in 1944 and cardinal in 1953. He was said to have been Pius' designated
successor, and fought a rude battle with Roncalli in the 1958
Cardinal Siri did not like Pope John XXIII. He once said that 'it will
take the Church fifty years to recover from his pontificate.' He did not
like Pope Paul VI, who completed the Council, an event described by
Siri as 'the greatest disaster in recent ecclesiastical history' (and by
'recent' he meant in the last five hundred years). Not surpassingly,
therefore, the Council was implemented in Genoa with foot-dragging
slowness. Altars did not face the people. Evening Masses were
discouraged. Women in trousers were denounced."2
He termed Vatican II "the greatest mistake in history"3 From the book,
The Unelected Pope; Giuseppe Siri, Cardinal of the Holy Roman Church
(1993), by Benny Lai, pp. 296-297, from the last recorded conversation
with Cardinal Siri. The numbered items are from the book, the
comments from Sangre de Cristo Newsnotes.
1. "On September 18, 1988, Cardinal Siri concluded his last
recorded conversation with the author by saying: 'A Pope just barely
elected (save by a miracle, and the Lord never does useless miracles) - so
what does he know, this poor man, of this duty which faces him?"
An admission of Siri's election. Siri did attempt to publicize his election, but the media refused to print it as the media was already under control of the Freemasons.
2. 'It is necessary for him to be integrated into his new position.
The question which defines and completes a pontificate is the choice of
the Secretary of State because he is the one who must educate the Pope.'
This statement was made only three months after Siri had reportedly
appointed *Monsignor Carlo Taramasso, of Santa Marinella (near
Rome) as one of his cardinals (*he was made a Cardinal in June, 1988 -Webmaster), who would become his chief
confidant and advisor, until 16 March 1989, when Taramasso suddenly
and mysteriously died, ten weeks after a visit from the infamous
"Cardinal" Casaroli of the Vatican.
3. 'Not all Popes become such after having been through the
school to become one.'
Notice, he does not say, "Not everyone becomes a Pope after having
gone through the school to become one," but, "Not all Popes become
such..." This could be interpreted to mean that not every Pope is allowed
to function as a Pope even after the process of his having been made
4. 'The schooling, even without his wanting it, occurs before the
election, during which time, the position, his adequacy for the position,
and his faithfulness to the position are properly combined.'
There is mounting evidence, some of which can be gleaned from the
book, "The Unelected Pope," that Siri was being prepared by what he
thought was training for the papacy (when he was first contacted in
Genoa, in the mid-1950s, by Soviet diplomats to be an intermediary
between them and Pius XII), but which was in reality a process of
intimidation and entrapment in order to set him up to be elected Pope at
a future conclave, only to be forced to relinquish the public exercise of
his office, by the threat of a monstrous, bloody persecution of the faithful
in Eastern Europe, and by the threat of schism by the French hierarchy
who, from the start of the conclave, promoted his candidature to the
other cardinals in order to carry out their devilish plan. They also
threatened the setting off of a hydrogen bomb to destroy the Vatican and
its officials. Under the cover of conclave secrecy the blackmail was
delivered to the "barely elected" and stunned, new Pope by France's
Cardinal Tisserant, who was an agent of the B'nai B'rith, the Talmudic
master-lodge of the Masonic and Marxist world powers. Before the end
of his life, Siri began to acknowledge and lament openly, as these
cryptic passages suggest, his inability to fulfill the duties of his office as
Pope, during the ordeal of his 30 year long exile.
On pages 607 to 609 of his book, "The Keys Of This Blood," Malachi
Martin, perennial insider and eye-witness to the '63 Conclave, admits
that Siri was elected Pope (again) in 1963, but that his election was "set
aside" because of an outside "communication" (interference) by an
"internationally based organization", regarding a "grave matter of
[Vatican] state security." He then tries to justify outside interference of
the conclave if it is conducted "by authorized persons" or if "the very
existence of the Vatican City-State or its members or dependents" were
at stake.
5. 'I say this because I have great remorse.'
Why would Siri have "great remorse", other than for allowing the
Church to be nearly destroyed by his failure to assert publicly his
rightful claim to office for 30 years?
6. 'I have faith in the forgiveness of the Lord and, therefore, I am
Forgiveness only comes after a firm purpose of amendment from the
wrong path we had previously followed. Therefore, Siri must be saying
that he had finally taken steps to reverse the tragic course he had taken
since 1958, by now defending the Church and her highest office by
providing for a valid successor to the papacy.
7. 'In the first two conclaves in which I participated, my
candidature was presented by an influential Cardinal. He, himself, told
me that all the French were behind him.'
This is undoubtedly Cardinal Tisserant, Dean of the College of
Cardinals, who controlled the block of six French Cardinals, and
promoted a unanimous vote for Siri to get him elected, only to announce
immediately that he was "annulling" Monsignor Siri's election,
supposedly to prevent the assassination of the Iron Curtain Bishops
which he declared would occur as a reprisal by the Soviets against the
Church, for electing an anti-Communist Pope. That such an occurrence
actually happened was verified by former Vatican official, Father Jean-
Marie Char-Roux on 14 July 1993, in London, England.
8. 'Then others joined the French. The Germans vacillated, then,
at some point gave way and joined the rest.'
Here Siri reveals for the first time, his unanimous election as Pope,
when finally, the German cardinals "joined the rest" and voted for him
on the fourth ballot, at 6 P.M., 26 October, 1958.
9. 'I said no, and if you elect me I will say no.'
Siri did indeed refuse to accept office following the first three ballots,
when there was less than an unanimous vote in his favor, and he even
attempted to dissuade the cardinals by predicting that he would continue
to refuse if they tried to elect him again.
10. 'I have made a mistake, I understand it today.'
But Siri was mistaken on three counts: first, on moral principles, by
declaring to the cardinals his unqualified intention to refuse office
beforehand, should they later make him Pope-elect. True, it is the
prerogative of every cardinal to refuse election to the Papal Office, but
this right is not absolute. Cardinal Albini in the 1700 conclave refused
the pontificate even when the electors had achieved virtual unanimity in
his favor, but was persuaded by the theologians that he could not
rightful refuse the office to which he was unanimously, or nearly
unanimously elected, for he would then be rejecting the unmistakable
Will of the Holy Ghost. Ever since then, this has been an accepted
principle in Papal elections. Siri, of course, knew this, and was thus also
incorrect in his prediction that he would not accept the pontificate, for
by the fourth ballot, when all the cardinals had cast their votes for him,
he was morally obliged to acquiesce to their wishes.
But Siri's third mistake was to capitulate to the conclave mutineers who,
having just promoted his unanimous, canonical election, brutally shoved
him aside within five minutes, so as to proceed with a second, invalid
election of the Masonic agent Angelo Roncalli, two days later. Hoping to
avoid a global, bloody persecution of the Church at any price, Siri did
not foresee that he had expedited an alternative and far more terrible
spiritual persecution of the Church, which would take the form of the
dreaded, heretical Second Vatican Council, convened by antipope John
XXIII and ratified by antipope Paul VI. This had been the enemy's
principal goal all along, in order to give the appearance that the errors
of the French Revolution were finally to be "consecrated" from the
pinnacle of power within the Church's visible structures. This step was
absolutely necessary to the "powers of darkness", so that they could
place Masonic agents upon the Chair of Peter, who would be devoid of
any guidance by the Holy Ghost, to spread the disease of heresy
worldwide with the obedient cooperation of an unsuspecting clergy,
while exiling the true Papal authority from Rome, and covering it up
with a false authority. The Catholic Church's ancient enemies had
pulled off a "coup d'etat" inside the headquarters of the Church's
government. The true Church was now "in eclipse", as foretold by Our
Lady of La Salette.
Next to hiding his claim to the Papacy from the Church, Siri's most
deadly mistake was his participation in the bogus Second Vatican
Council and his signature to its poisonous decrees. It should be noted,
however, that Siri's signature was not rendered in his official capacity as
Pope but was written simply as "Giuseppe Cardinal Siri", and was
undoubtedly coerced. Thereafter he announced: "We will not be bound
by these decrees."
12. 'Thus I have had great remorse and I have asked the
forgiveness of God. I hope that God forgives me.'
Reduced to a helpless bystander, Siri agonized over his having allowed
the near destruction of the Church and the loss of countless souls over a
generation. His failed policy of trying to "reason" with the wolves in
sheep's clothing rather than to sound the alarm to the lambs that they
were being led to the slaughter by false shepherds, caused incalculable
harm to the faithful. Siri's last confessor, Padre Candido Caponni,
testified in Genoa, Italy, on 12 October 1992, that in his final days, Siri
repeatedly expressed fear of the terrible Judgment of God that would
soon be upon him "for not having lived up to his responsibilities."
13. 'Yes, in the last two conclaves my candidacy was [again]
brought forward, but I did not repeat the same statement I had made at
the other times. I told myself: I can't do it [what I did at the other times].
What will be, will be.'
Between the two conclaves of August and October, 1978, Siri defended
his public record to the news media against the negative image of him
presented by those who dreaded the possibility of his finally gaining
control of the Church's structures, such that he was described by U.P.I.
as "campaigning for the papacy."
14. 'I have gotten out of it well enough anyway, but at the last
conclave, I think, Wyszynski went to find my secretary, telling him: "It
is done, you will be the secretary of the Pope.'"
Until that time, Siri's status as Pope had been hidden from the faithful,
allowing him to forestall the consequences of the terrible threats that
had been brought against him. But with Cardinal Wyszynski's
announcement to Siri's secretary, the disclosure of the Siri pontificate
was nearly leaked to the outside world. What if it had been exposed that
Siri had cooperated in the fraudulent elections of two, or perhaps three
antipopes? The possibilities for disgracing the soon-to-be-acknowledged
Pope were endless. But why did the cardinals remain silent, it is often
asked? Potentially scandal-ridden by unconventional lifestyles, many of
the cardinals had been checkmated by agents-provocateurs such as
Malachi Martin, who admitted to journalist, Benjamin Kaufman, that he
had been brought into the Vatican by the Jewish "Cardinal" Bea to dig
up dirt on prelates targeted for blackmail. Martin boasted that he had
been "shaking long-closeted skeletons in the faces of cardinals who
didn't quite want to do what Cardinal Bea and the pope wanted at the
Council... 'I saw cardinals sweating in front of me'. Martin recalled... It
was heady, having that power, 'and I began to enjoy it.'" (Cincinnati
Enquirer, 22 December 1973)
15. 'I entered the conclave in a state of agony. I remember that I
went to sit in a chair in the rear of the Pauline Chapel as one torn. I was
in a state of agony.'
Siri does not relate the conclave events in chronological order. The
scene in the Pauline Chapel, which had to have occurred before the
decisive vote, is reminiscent of a similar episode just prior to the election
of Pope Pius X in 1903, widely reported about the holy Pontiff. Like his
saintly predecessor, Siri was certain he would emerge from the conclave
to be acknowledged by the world as Pope. But unlike Saint Pius X, Siri
was caught in a sinister trap, for the fourth time.
16. 'God has saved me. How? Yes, a Cardinal had come to tell me
what had happened. I cannot speak of it.'
The old Soviet threat to millions of the faithful was renewed, and once
again, the "bait and switch" routine was repeated at the conclave, that is,
a seemingly canonical election of Siri to the papacy takes place, only so
that his public claim to office could be once more be suppressed, which
demoralizes and intimidates a whole new group of "cardinals." Thus, in
exchange for a false peace, Siri caved-in to a further consolidation of the
Vatican's surrender into the hands of the government of Antichrist,
without a shot being fired. Siri again declines to explain clearly what
had happened, saying only, "I cannot speak of it," which is a repetition
of his earlier refusals to reveal the dark cloud he had come under, when
he would repeated say, "I am bound by the secret." In 1985, he described
the secret as "horrible."
Siri says he had "proper" eyes (or in other words, the eyes of a Pope) in
order to see what was going on, the infirmities of age, notwithstanding.
18. 'Now I desire to leave this world without disturbing history and,
therefore, let the others do that which in conscience they believe. I ask
only that no lies are told and that is enough.'
Siri knew at age 82, he is not capable of leading the battle that is surely
to come to overthrow Freemasonry's popularized version of history and
the illegal system of world government for Anti-Christ currently being
prepared with the active assistance of the usurpers of the Vatican. For
the first time, Siri speaks directly to those who have become aware of his
terrible plight, and who seek to bring this hidden, earth-shaking history
to light. Of us, he asks only that we speak the truth.
The 1958 Conclave
Caption from a photo published in 1958 prior to the Conclave of Pope
Pius XII: "Pigeon perches on Cardinal's Cap - Genoa, Italy - Giuseppe
Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa, remained unperturbed when a
pigeon perched on his cap as he celebrated Mass in the arena of the
Orfei Circus here. The pigeon was one of a flock released in tribute to
the Cardinal. The Mass, said on an altar set up in the center ring of the
Big Top, was attended by circus entertainers and a crowd of Genoese."
The words "pigeon" and "dove" are synonymous. Siri's dove was white.
The dove landing on a papabile has always been understood to be the
indication of the choice of the Holy Spirit to be Pope.
"When Pope Pius XII fell out with Giovanni Battista Montini... it was
presumed Cardinal Siri would become Pope Pius's successor. Pope Pius
made him a bishop at 38 and a cardinal at only 47..."4 In fact, Pope
Pius XII is said to have named Siri as his desired successor.
In 1958 various traditionally hostile groups such as the World Jewish
Congress and B'nai Brith (the Masonic lodge for Jews) carried on a
covert campaign for Roncalli.
In Italy, so strongly felt was the inevitability of Siri's election in 1958
that the prophesy of Saint Malachy, describing Pius' successor as
"Shepherd and Sailor" (Pastor et Nauta), was commonly attributed to the
illustrious Archbishop of Genoa. The maritime city had been his life-
long home, where he was born the son of a dockworker. It was the most
important seaport in the country, and birthplace of Christopher
Columbus. A Genoan newspaper would write:
"No one better than Siri could symbolize this motto: he is a pastor of
highest virtues, a captain of the ship, born and raised on the sea." (Il
Lavoro, Genoa, Italy, May 3, 1989, p. 4.)
"...Moreover Pius XII's protege Archbishop Siri of Genoa, seemed to be
endowed with all the gifts calculated to ensure his becoming a second
Pacelli, whereas the opposition's own candidate, Montini, was not to be
reckoned on as a starter since he was excluded from the Conclave, not
having yet been raised to the purple.
True, the Pope does not necessarily
have to be chosen from among the members of the Sacred College, but
the minority certainly could not add to their troubles by advancing his
cause. It was also obvious that the 'Pentagon' [Pacellians] were not going
to rest passively on their laurels: like Spellman they had all come
rushing to Rome, and the first congregation had secured the election of
the Chamberlain and of two of their leaders, Canali and Pizzardo, in the
interim government of the Vatican City.
Compared with their activity the calm demeanor of the anti-Pacelli
group seemed almost an admission of defeat. How else, for instance,
could one account for the French Cardinals' delay in not reaching Rome
until a week after Pius XII's death? And could they and their colleagues
really expect to reverse the situation largely on the basis of pressure of
public opinion, even though there could be no doubt about the rising
hostility in both ecclesiastical and lay quarters to the recent pontificate,
and the desire for a change?"5
"The grapevine has intimated that fulfilling all the essential conditions
(teacher, pastor and father) was Cardinal Siri, Archbishop of Genoa,
and that even the Pacellians were solidly behind him. It even named the
Pacellians: The Italian Cardinals Ruffini, Tedeschini, Fumasoni-Biondi,
Pizzardo, Siri, Mimi, Micara, Canali, Ottaviani, Cicognani; the
American Cardinals, Spellman and McIntyre; the two German ones,
Frings and Wendel: the two Portuguese, De Gouveia and Cerejeira; the
two Brazilians, De Barros Camara and Da Silva; the two Argentinians,
Caggiano and Copello; the two Canadians, McGuigan and Leger; the
Cuban, Betancourt, the Ecuadorian, Torre and the Irish, D'Alton..."6
"VATICAN CITY (AP) - Cardinals balloted Sunday without electing a pope. A mix-up in smoke signals made it appear for about half an hour that Pius XII's successor had been chosen. For a time 200,000 Romans and tourists in huge Saint Peter's Square were certain the church had a new pontiff. Millions of others who listened to radios throughout Italy and Europe also were certain. They were certain. They heard the Vatican speaker shout exultantly: 'A pope is elected.."
"The scene around the Vatican was one of incredible
confusion. White smoke from a little chimney atop the Vatican
is the traditional signal announcing the election of a new pope.
Black smoke indicates failure. Twice during the day smoke
billowed from the chimney. At noon the smoke at first came
white but it quickly turned unquestionably black. This was the
sign the cardinals had failed to elect on the first two ballots, at
nightfall white smoke billowed from the slender chimney for a
full five minutes. For all the outside world knew, a new pontiff
had been chosen.
"Clouds of smoke were caught in search lights trained on the
Sistine Chapel chimney. 'Bianco! Bianco!' roared many in the
crowd. 'White, white.'
"The Vatican Radio announced the smoke was white. The
announcer declared the cardinals at that moment probably were
going through the rites of adoration for a new supreme pontiff.
For a long time Vatican Radio stuck to its insistence the smoke
was white.
Even high Vatican officials were fooled. Callori di Vignale,
governor of the conclave, and Sigismondo Chigi, the conclave
Marshall, rushed to take up the positions assigned to them. The
Palatine Guard was called from its barracks and ordered to
prepare to go to St. Peter's Basilica for (the) announcement of
the new pope's name. But the guard was ordered back to
barracks before it reached the square. The Swiss Guard was
also alerted.
"Chigi, in an interview with the Italian radio, said
uncertainty reigned in the palace. He added that this confusion
persisted even after the smoke had subsided and until
assurances were received from within the conclave that black
smoke was intended. He said he had been at three
other conclaves and never before seen smoke as varied in color
as Sunday's. He told newsmen later he would arrange to have
the cardinals informed of Sunday's smoke confusion in the hope
that something can be done to remedy the situation Monday.
"The crowd waited in agony of suspense. Any pope elected
would ordinarily appear on the balcony within twenty minutes.
The crowd waited a full half hour now wondering whether the
smoke was meant to be black or white. Doubt set in swiftly.
Many in the vast crowd began to drift away. But still there was
confusion. News media had flashed around the world the word
that a new pope had been chosen.
Telephone calls poured into the Vatican, jamming its
exchange. As time wore on and doubts increased, the callers all
asked one question: "Black or white?"
"After a half hour, radios began to chatter excitedly that the
answer was still uncertain. Only well after the time when a new
pope should have appeared on the balcony above St. Peter's
Square was it certain that the voting would have to resume
Monday at 10 a.m. (3 a.m. CST). The crowd now aware of this,
dissipated quickly. Grayish wisps of smoke still spiraled from
the chapel chimney..." (Cardinals Fail To Elect Pope In 4
Ballots; Mix-up In Smoke Signals Causes 2 False Reports,"
The Houston Post, October 27, 1958, Section 1, pages 1 & 7.)
Father Pellegrino, who had already announced repeatedly on
Vatican Radio that a new Pope had been elected, finally concluded in
frustration after a half hour: "It is not possible to cancel out the
impression of white smoke upon 300,000 people; the cause of the error
must be sought elsewhere."
According to a knowledgeable Italian priest who had conferred with
Cardinal Siri, this conservative bloc was actually successful in electing
Siri on the fourth ballot of the first day of the conclave, October 26,
1958, which is the feast day of Pope and martyr, Saint Evaristus, the
fifth Pope of the Church. Siri, who was the fifth Pope elected this
century, is said to have promptly accepted the office and announced that
he would take the name "Gregory XVII." Then, a shrill storm of protest
was heard from the reformers, who jumped to their feet to intimidate the
new Pope with the threat that they would immediately establish an
international schismatic church, were he to emerge from the conclave as
pope. Badly shaken, Siri is supposed to have replied: "if you do not want
me, then elect someone else" By this one statement, which was taken as
his abdication, would come the apocalyptic catastrophe that so quickly
engulfed the Church.
Church law provides, however: "...A valid Abdication of the Pope must
be a free act, hence a forced resignation of the papacy would be null and
void, as more than one ecclesiastical decree has declared."7
When and by whom the name of Tedeschini was first advanced is not
known, but it is clearly stated in Scotesco's writings that during one of
the ballots he was elected. This must have been after Siri's fourth ballot
majority vote.
What had happened to Cardinal Tedeschini could today not even be
guessed at, were it not for the 1976 letter of Peter Scortesco, other
fragments of his memoirs and additional testimonies concerning the
later papal elections. The Masonic masterminds of the 1958 Conclave
had no intention of conducting a fair election with Tedeschini publicly
emerging as a 'transitional' pope. But his candidacy would be useful to
them if it could be sold to the conservatives as a more practical
substitute to any attempt to elect Siri a second time. The evidence
suggests that the scheme worked. When the old cardinal was elected, his
acceptance of the office was instantly quashed, thus demonstrating to the
conservative block, the reformers' ability to obstruct any candidate they
opposed by whatever means available. (It is reasonable to presume that
this was accomplished by threats of violence, secretively delivered to
Tedeschini and some of his electors, as such a method would later be
used against Siri in 1963.) Once Tedeschini was sidelined, the Pacellian
alliance was routed, and the conclave, which continued its search for a
"transitional" pope, was maneuvered toward a "compromise" with
Roncalli. By the end of the third day of balloting, the elderly cardinals
were exhausted and confused, and some were perhaps, even frightened,
such that a sufficient number had finally capitulated, giving Roncalli the
necessary majority.
"In the case of the Conclaves of John XXIII (1958) and of Paul VI
(1963), there were communications (with the exterior). It was thus
known that there were several ballots during which, in the first
[Conclave], was (elected) [Cardinal' Tedeschini; and, in the second
[Conclave], Cardinal Siri. The latter who had only one more vote than
Montini (*), had the imprudence to ask that his election be again voted,
so that he could reign with a more important majority. And it was then
[during the noon recess following the second scrutiny] that Cardinal
Tisserant went out to telephone, and when he returned, Cardinals
Lienart, Konig, Dopfner and Tarancon [changed their ballots and then]
voted for Paul VI [in the scrutinies which followed]. And it was known
that these four had relations with the free-masons. Therefore, one can
affirm, without mistake, that Paul VI was elected from that sect."8 As
will be seen in the quotes for the 1963 Conclave, the who, with which
Tisserant met is the B'nai B'rith.
Introibo concludes with the following comments, as quoted in part:
"...Mr. Scortesco was an excellent Catholic, full of piety and zeal.
Furthermore, in 1971, we had learned in Rome, from the mouth of a
person well informed of the under-currents of the Vatican politics, of the
history of the violation of the closure of the Conclave, violation which,
itself, would suffice to annul an election..."
The Chattanooga Times for 26 October 1958 lists the rules and
regulations applying to the Conclave according to the constitution of
Pope Pius XII.
"As soon as they were alone, the cardinals one by one took an oath in
accordance with the constitution of Pius XII. The oath concerns four
main points. The cardinals swore:
1. That they would observe the constitution of Pius XII faithfully
and put all its provisions into effect.
2. That if elected they would strenuously defend all rights of the
church, including its temporal rights.
3. That they would keep the secret about all things concerning the
election of the new Pope during and after the conclave.
4. That they would not receive or countenance any veto or
exclusion from any civil power, even indirectly.
It does not take much thought to realize that John XXIII violated his
sworn oath with regard to numbers 1 and 2. And, because of number 4,
notably the leaving of the Conclave by Cardinal Tisserant to confer with
the Jewish power, the Conclave was rendered null and void, and thus
number 3 could not bind _ even though this was a point which John
XXIII was particularly demanding about because of the irregularities of
the Conclave.
During Nunciature in Turkey, admitted "into the sect of the Temple"
receiving the name "Brother John" - Prophesies of John XXIII, Pier
Carpi, p. 52.
"I know Cardinal Roncalli very well. He was a Deist and a
Rationalist whose strength did not lie in the ability to believe in
miracles and to venerate the sacred." - Carl Jakob Burckhardt,
a high ranking freemason wrote in Journal De Geneve, quoted
by Carpi.
"The direction of our action: Continuation of the Work of
John XXIII and all those who have followed him on the way to
the templer universalisme." - Resurgence de Temple, p. 149 - a
book edited by the Templers themselves in 1975.
During his Nunciature in Paris, "Cardinal Roncalli attended in civilian
clothes the Great Lodge where he found again the Jesuit Riquet. His
adviser was Maurice Bredet, author of 'Mystic and Magic,' who boasted
that he had prophesied the Tiara to Cardinal Roncalli."9
His election proclaimed under a full moon. (See under John Paul II
for this significance.)
Roncalli in 1958 took the name of John XXIII, the same name as the
Anti-Pope Baldasar Cosa, who usurped the papal office during the exile
of the true pope, and for a time carried out his usurpation in Rome itself.
The policy in the Roman Church is to never take the name of an anti-
pope, was this a cryptic signal?
Wartime preoccupation with supplying fraudulent baptismal certificates
to thousands of Hungarian Jews, who were hiding from the Nazis.
Putting aside the moral implications of such deception, he cared not if
any of the Jews practiced the Catholic Faith, even though some of them
had actually been baptized by nuns in Budapest.
Roncalli when Nuncio to France appointed a 33 Degree Freemason and
close friend, the Baron Yves Marsaudon, as head of the French Branch
of the Knights of Malta.10 This caused a major scandal for the Pacelli
The same Yves Marsaudon would later gloat: "If there are still some
remnants of thought, reminiscent of the Inquisition, they will be
drowned in a rising flood of ecumenism and liberalism. One of the most
tangible consequences will be the lowering of spiritual barriers that
divide the world. With all our hearts we wish for the success of John
XXIII's Revolution."11 The dedication and preface for Marsaudon's
book was written by Charles Riandley, Sovereign Grand Commander of
the Supreme Council of France (Scottish Rite). Riandley wrote: "To the
memory of Angelo Roncalli, ... Pope under the Name of John XXIII,
Who Has Deigned to Give Us His Benediction, His Understanding and
His Protection, ... [and] To His August Continuer, His Holiness Pope
Paul VI." Riandley confidently predicted how the policies of Roncalli
and Montini would advance the Masonic agenda: "We are convinced of
the narrowness of the spiritual, cultural, scientific, social and economic
structures which up to our own time, have hindered the actions and the
thoughts of man... But these structures have already been shattered in
part. Some pontifical decisions have contributed to this. We feel sure
that they will be all destroyed eventually... True, not everything is to be
rejected; but what cannot be saved will not be saved unless it is
renovated." 12
When elevated to the College of Cardinals Roncalli insisted upon
receiving the red hat from the notoriously anti-clerical Vincent Auriol,
President of the Masonic "Fourth Republic" of France, kneeling before
him to have the red hat placed upon his head.
At social functions in Paris Roncalli was frequently seen fraternizing
with the Soviet Ambassador, M. Bogomolov, even though the Soviet
Union had resumed its pre-war policy of brutal extermination of
Catholics in Russia. Also a good friend of Edouard Herriot, Secretary of
the anti-Catholic Radical Socialists (of France)13
The Holy Office had kept a file on Roncalli since 1925, wherein it
stated, "suspected of Modernism." In 1925, Roncalli, who was known
for his unorthodox teachings, was abruptly removed from his
professorship at the Lateran Seminary in mid-semester and shipped off
to Bulgaria, thus beginning his diplomatic career. Of particular concern
to the Holy Office had been his continuing close association with the
defrocked priest, Ernesto Buonaiuti, who was excommunicated for
heresy in 1926. 14 Following Roncalli's "election" he summoned the
conclavists back to the Sistine Chapel for an unusual overnight post-
election session, politely threatening excommunication for
noncompliance. His principle use of the assemblage was to renew stern
warnings against any breach of conclave secrecy (lest some suspicious
details might leak out, exposing the irregular events to the public.)
Roncalli received Kruschev's son-in-law and his wife, as John Paul II
would receive Gorbachev. They received the personal blessing
of John XXIII. On this same occasion, John XXIII was awarded the
Soviet Balzen Peace Prize. (According the 1967 World Book
Encyclopedia, "peace" to a Communist is the condition when there is no
longer any opposition to Communism.) Not surprisingly, John XXIII's
Vatican II Council refused to condemn Communism.
One of his first acts was to make Giovanni Baptiste Montini
(the future Paul VI) a cardinal, something Pope Pius XII refused to do
after it was found Montini had been secretly communicating with Stalin
during World War II. Making Montini a Cardinal positioned him to
become "Pope" Paul VI, which was apparently the game-plan all along,
as suggested by LIFE magazine's promotion of Montini for Pope in 1956
when he was still only a bishop.
A few days before his death he made a prominent Roman Freemason,
Umberto Ortolani, a "Gentleman of His Holiness' a much coveted title
reserved for the patrician elite amongst Catholics. It was a sign that
John XXIII did not repent of his Masonic affiliations, even on his death
>From 30 Days magazine, Nov. 2, 1994 edition entitled "A John XXIII
"Our readers will remember that in our June 1994 newsletter (Nuclear
Horizons) we published a sensational statement by the Grand Master of
the Italian Grand Orient Order of Freemasons to the effect that 'Pope'
John XXIII had been initiated into the Freemasons when he was Nuncio
in Paris in the late forties.
We pointed out, that if this statement were true, Angelo Roncalli (john
XXIII) could not possibly have been validly elected to the Supreme
Pontificate. He would have been intrinsically ineligible by reason of his
automatic excommunication under Canon Law (No. 2335). Not being a
Catholic, it was not possible for him to be head of the Catholic Church."
Just prior to his death, according to Jewish sources (The War Against
the Jew, Dagobert Runes), Roncalli was preparing to make a Prayer of
Reparation to the Jews, which denies the Church and applauds the Jews
a mandate for all Catholics. It goes:
'We admit that over hundreds of years our eyes were blinded, so as not
to see the Beauty of Thy Chosen People and not to recognize the features
of our firstborn brother. We admit that the sign of Cain is upon our
forehead. For centuries Abel was lying in blood and tears while we had
forgotten Thy love. Forgive us, O Lord, the curse we unjustly spoke out
over the people of Israel. Forgive us, that in their flesh we crucified You
the second time! We did not know what we were doing.'"
At a recent exhuming of the body of John XXIII relating to the
advancement of his cause for Beatification, the group of witness present
were shocked to find that the body in the coffin was facing downward.
The 1963 Conclave
On pages 607 to 609 of his book, "The Keys Of This Blood," Malachi
Martin, perennial insider and eye-witness to the '63 Conclave, admits
that Siri was elected Pope [again] in 1963, but that his election was "set
aside" because of an outside "communication" [interference] by an
"internationally based organization", regarding a "grave matter of
[Vatican] state security." He then tries to justify outside interference of
the conclave if it is conducted "by authorized persons" or if "the very
existence of the Vatican City-State or its members or dependents" were
at stake."
One should note that this is the same Malachi Martin, who admitted to
journalist, Benjamin Kaufman, that he had been brought into the
Vatican by the Jewish "Cardinal" Bea to dig up dirt on prelates targeted
for blackmail. Martin boasted that he had been "shaking long-closeted
skeletons in the faces of cardinals who didn't quite want to do what
Cardinal Bea and the pope wanted at the Council... 'I saw cardinals
sweating in front of me'. Martin recalled... It was heady, having that
power, 'and I began to enjoy it.'" (Cincinnati Enquirer, 22 December
In one of his writings, Prince Scotersco, German cousin of Prince
Borghese, President of the Conclave which elected Montini to the
Supreme Pontificate, gives the following information concerning the
Conclave of 21 June 1963: "During the Conclave, a Cardinal [Tisserant]
left the Sistine Chapel, met with the representatives of B'nai B'rith,
announced to them the election of Cardinal Siri. They replied by saying
that the persecutions against the Church would continue at once.
Returning to the Conclave, he made Montini to be elected."
On 18 July 1985 Louis Hubert Remy and Monsieur de la Franquerie and
Francis Dallais met with Cardinal Siri. After asking him whether he had
been elected Pope in 1963 "He started by remaining silent for a long
time, then raised his eyes to heaven with a rictus of suffering and pain,
joined his hands and said, weighing each word with gravity: 'I am bound
by the secret.' Then after a long silence, heavy for us all, he said again: 'I
am bound by the secret. This secret is horrible. I would have books to
write about the different conclaves. Very serious things have taken
place. But I can say nothing.'"15
"In the case of the Conclaves of John XXIII (1958) and of Paul VI
(1963), there were communications (with the exterior). It was thus
known that there were several ballots during which, in the first
[Conclave], was (elected) [Cardinal' Tedeschini; and, in the second
[Conclave], Cardinal Siri. The latter who had only one more vote than
Montini (*), had the imprudence to ask that his election be again voted,
so that he could reign with a more important majority. And it was then
[during the noon recess following the second scrutiny] that Cardinal
Tisserant went out to telephone, and when he returned, Cardinals
Lienart, Konig, Dopfner and Tarancon [changed their ballots and then]
voted for Paul VI [in the scrutinies which followed]. And it was known
that these four had relations with the free-masons. Therefore, one can
affirm, without mistake, that Paul VI was elected from that sect."16
Introibo concludes with the following comments, as quoted in part:
"...Mr. Scortesco was an excellent Catholic, full of piety and zeal.
Furthermore, in 1971, we had learned in Rome, from the mouth of a
person well informed of the under-currents of the Vatican politics, of the
history of the violation of the closure of the Conclave, violation which,
itself, would suffice to annul an election..."
In October 1992 Augustino Chigi, son of the late Prince Sigismondo
Chigi, Marshall of the Conclaves of 1958 and 1963, admitted: "When
my father and I returned to open the doors of the conclave [following the
"election" of Montini] we discovered that the doors had been previously
forced open [and the seals broken]... and there was much talk at that
time among the Noble Guard that a Cardinal had left the conclave." As
stated previously, this was Cardinal Tisserant going to speak with his
masters of the Jewish B'nai B'rith.
And, it goes on. According to statements by Cardinal Siri and others, it
appears that he was elected at the conclaves which supposedly elected
John Paul I and John Paul II. Each time the Siri papacy was suppressed
immediately and the conspirators candidate placed upon the papal
Paul VI
"At his coronation as Pope Paul VI, several American newspapers
accused him of being a member of the Lodge B'nai B'rith - a photograph
served as proof."17
Was known in his seminary days as a notorious homosexual, who
wormed his way to high office in the Vatican. In 1954 Pope Pius XII
banished him from Rome without the red hat after learning that Montini
had betrayed into the hands of Stalin the secret identities of the
clandestine Bishops in Russia, causing their arrest and execution. He
was greeted on the balcony after his "election" with cries of "il Papa
30 Days magazine reported in its November 3, 1993 edition that the
election of Cardinal Montini to the Chair of Peter as Paul VI was
engineered by a large group of Masonic and Modernist cardinals
meeting in the home of a leading freemason named Umberto Ortolani
just prior to the conclave.
Carlos Vazquez Rangel, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of
the Masons of Mexico, in a 1993 interview with the political weekly
Processo stated: "On the same day, in Paris the profane Angelo Roncalli
and the profane Giovanni Montini were initiated into the august
mysteries of the Brotherhood. Thus it was that much that was achieved
at the Council was based on Masonic principles."
In his 1964 book, L'oecumenisme vu par un Franc Macon de Tradition
(Ecumenism As Seen By A French Freemason), Yves Marsaudon a
prominent Freemason, stated: "The sense of universalism that is
rampant in Rome these days is very close to our purpose for existence.
Thus we are unable to ignore the Second Vatican Council and its
consequences... With all our hearts we support the Revolution of John
XXIII... This courageous concept of the Freedom of Thought that lies at
the core of our Freemasonic lodges, has spread in a truly magnificent
manner right under the Dome of St. Peter's."
Elsewhere he writes: "Born in our Masonic Lodges, freedom of
expression has now spread beautifully over the Dome of St. Peter's...
This is the Revolution of Paul VI. It is clear that Paul VI, not content
merely to follow the policy of his predecessor, does in fact intend to go
much further..."
If one studies Paul VI, one immediately comes across his drive to work,
which was that of a workaholic. He was also decisive in his instructions
and rule over the government of the Church. This stands in direct
contravention of his public "suffering pontiff" role, who was prevented
by others from saving the Church. This public image can only be a part
of the divide and conquer program which has been vigorously pursued
by John Paul II. In it the "Pope" vigorously states orthodox things to
mollify good Catholics, but then goes ahead with heretical and
unorthodox statements and actions.
"Jean Guitton, a distinguished French writer as well as the great friend
and confidant of Pope Paul VI, recently described the Paul "intention
with regard to the liturgy... (which) was to reform the Catholic liturgy in
such a way that it should almost coincide with the Protestant
liturgy...beyond the Council of Trent, (and) closer to the Protestant
Lord's Supper...(making) less room for all that some would call 'magic,'
(namely) ...transubstantial consecration, and for all what is of the
Catholic Faith; ...there was with Paul VI an ecumenical intention to
remove...what was too Catholic, in the traditional sense, in the Mass,
and, I repeat, to get the Catholic Mass closer to the Calvinist mass."
(Broadcast December 19, 1993 by Radio-Courtoisie, Paris.) This is a
shocking revelation."
In addition, he wore the Ephod of a Jewish High Priest with, and often
without, his pectoral cross. According to the Jesuit Father Joaquin Saenz
y Arriaga, doctor of Theology, Church History, and Canon Law,
Montini was of Jewish origin according to the prestigious Blue Book of
prominent families in Italy.
He put the "Cardinal" Gregory Baum of St. Louis, Missouri, a Jewish
"convert" in charge of textbooks worldwide. Baum has made sure that
all textbooks used by Catholic children have been gutted of any negative
references to anything Jewish, replacing them with glowing accolades.
Closing the Vatican II Council he sought to bound all the
Faithful to its decrees and then proceeded to introduce a new mass, new
sacraments including a new rite of ordination, and new religious books
in the schools.
Some supposedly Catholic papers, as well as secular magazines, have
reported that Paul VI was supposed to have been exhumed and found in
the odor of sanctity. However, other sources that that after his burial he
stank so badly that the coffin had to be opened several times to put more
formaldehyde in to stop the stench.
John Paul I
Of the 111 "cardinals" who were voting, 100 were appointed by Montini
and 8 by Roncalli. If John XXIII and Paul VI were antipopes, then it
would follow that those they had elevated to the Sacred College were, in
fact, non-cardinals and as such, would be invalid participants in the
papal election. (Study Anti-Pope Anacletus II and Innocent II) Also,
Paul VI barred cardinals over 80 from voting - ostracizing 16 senior
cardinals from the conclave, several of whom were true cardinals
appointed by Pope Pius XII. Thus, among the 111 participating
"electors" there were only three unquestionably valid cardinals
appointed by Pius XII - cardinals Wyszinski, Leger, and Siri.
1. The conclave could not have concluded canonically, being
unanimously overwhelmed with invalid electors.
2. The true Pope Gregory XVII, Siri, was still alive and had never
validly abdicated. Thus the conclave had no legitimate function other
than to recognize the Siri pontificate.
Following their "election", both John Paul I and II refused to wear the
triple crown or "tiara". This coincided with their rejection of the
Coronation ceremony and papal oath and consequently, the three-fold
papal office to teach, rule and sanctify.
"On August 28, the beginning of his papal revolution was announced. It
took the form of a Vatican statement that there was to be no coronation,
that the new pope refused to be crowned.
There would be no sedia gestatoria, the chair used to carry the pope, no
tiara encrusted with emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and diamonds. No
ostrich feathers, no six-hour ceremony. In short, the ritual... was
abolished.... Luciani, who never used the royal 'we,' the monarchical
first-person plural... The 'coronation;' became a simple Mass... With that
gesture Luciani abolished a thousand years of history... The triple-
decked, beehive-shaped tiara was superseded by the pallium, a white
woolen stole around the pope's shoulders."18
"In early September Albino Luciani found that in some mysterious way
he had been added to the exclusive distribution list of an unusual news
agency called L'Osservatore Politico (OP). It was run by journalist Mino
Pecorelli and invariably carried scandalous stories that subsequently
turned out to be highly accurate. Now, along with top politicians,
journalists, pundits, and others with a need to know first, the pope could
read about what OP called 'The Great Vatican Lodge.' The article gave
the names of 121 people who were alleged to be members of Masonic
lodges. A number of laymen were included in the list, but it largely
comprised cardinals, bishops, and high-ranking prelates. Pecorelli's
motives for publishing the list were simple. He was involved in a
struggle with his former grand master, Licio Gelli. Pecorelli was a
member of P2, a disenchanted member.
...If the information was authentic, then it meant Luciani was virtually
surrounded by Masons. Recall that to be a mason meant automatic
excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. Before the
conclave there had been various murmurings that several of the leading
papabili were Masons. Now on September 12, the new pope was
presented with the entire list.... The Roman Catholic Church had
decreed long ago that it was implacably opposed to Freemasonry. The
new pope was open to discussion on the issue, but a list of 121 men who
were confirmed members hardly constituted discussion.
The secretary of state, Cardinal Villot, Masonic name Jeanni, lodge
number 041/3, enrolled in a Zurich lodge on August 6, 1966. The
foreign minister, Monsignor Agostino Casaroli. The cardinal of Rome,
Ugo Poletti. Cardinal Baggio. Bishop Paul Marcinkus and Monsignor
Donato de Bonis of the Vatican Bank. The disconcerted Pope read a list
that seemed like a Who's Who of Vatican City."19
"At every mealtime, says Magee, he would say, 'Why did they choose
me? Why on earth did they choose me?' 'He was constantly reminding us
that his Pontificate was to be of short duration. Constantly saying that he
was to go so that he would be replaced by the "Foreigner".'
"...Day after day, says Sister Vincenza [his housekeeper], he insisted
that he had usurped the papal chair he sat in. 'Look, Sister, I should not
be sitting here in this seat. The Foreign Pope is coming to take my place.
I have begged Our Lord.'"20
"I [John Magee, John Paul I's secretary] asked him, 'Holy Father, have
you chosen the person to give the Vatican retreat next Lent?'"
He said, 'Yes, I have.' Then he immediately said, 'The type of retreat I
would like at this moment would be for a good death.'
He was constantly reminding us that his Pontificate was to be of short
duration. Constantly, saying that he was to go so that he could be
replaced by 'the Foreigner.' All of this was a great enigma to us then."21
Before I [John Cornwell] left him [John Magee, now Bishop Magee], I
asked him, "Do you have one memory of John Paul that stands out?"
Almost without hesitation he said, "You know, he repeated over and
over again, 'Why did they choose me? Why on earth did they choose
me? He said it every mealtime, repeatedly, every single day of his
Papacy. He spoke repeatedly of the 'Foreigner' who was going to follow
him. 'I am going soon,' he would say, 'and the Foreigner is coming.' One
day I asked him who this Foreigner was, and he replied, 'He it was who
sat opposite me during the conclave.' Now, after I had left the papal
apartment as secretary to John Paul II, I was appointed master of
ceremonies in the Vatican, and I had access to the plan of that conclave
for the first time. The cardinal who sat opposite Papa Luciani was
Cardinal Wojtyla!"
The bishop was silent for a while. Then he said, "I am convinced that
John Paul I had a great insight into the fact of his imminent death."22
"Because John Paul I wished to make an end to the notorious financial
transactions between Marcinkus and Calvi, the freemason who was
master of the situation through Casaroli, member of the Lodge P2, made
him disappear: Surprisingly came the 'strange death of John Paul I',
poisoned by Aqua Toffana, as described by J.J. Thiery (on page 153 of
his discoveries).
"And what was not less strange: the only witness of this 'strange death',
another freemason prelate - identified as such after his death (through
the works in his library) - died a few months later also rather
John Paul II
His "election" proclaimed under a full moon.
The following is from the 1989 copyrighted article of Gary Giuffre'
entitled "Polish Communist Party Praises Choice of "Pope"".
"On Monday evening, October 16, satellite TV pictures were
relayed from Rome to the whole world of the eerie first images of the
new Polish "Pope", Karol Wojtyla; who, like his short-lived predecessor,
took the strange double name of "John-Paul." He was spotlighted at
night before throngs of anxious Romans who stood vigil in St. Peter's
Square with a full moon overhead. The ominous scene was reminiscent
of the first appearance at night of Roncalli as John XXIII atop the
balcony on the evening of October 28, 1958, as if the two events
bracketed the whole nightmarish Vatican II era. For those familiar with
St. Malachy's predictions of popes and anti-popes, this foreboding sight
recalled to mind his ancient forecast * From the Midst of the Moon *.
An eminent Church historian and student of private prophecy
the late Yves Dupont, commented in 1970 on St. Malachy's descriptive
vision of a then future claimant or claimants to the Chair of Peter:
*'De Medialale Lunae ("From the Midst of the Moon ". often
translated, "From The Half of the Moon"). The biblical
symbolism of the "moon" is "the worldly kingdom" or the
temporal order." This Pope may therefore be elected from the
midst of cardinals who are mainly influenced by worldly ideas
(social gospel, etc.) or he may be elected at a time when the
forces of Satan (the "Prince of this World") have virtual control
of the entire earth via their secret government, possibly even
influencing the papal election, so that an agent of The world
antichrist government is elected Pope ..." (Catholic Prophecy,
The Coming Chastisement, 1970, Tan Books, page 20).
This interpretation could easily refer to the entire dark age of
the conciliar antipopes which "eclipsed" the existence of the secret Pope-
in-exile. Albino Luciani (John Paul 1) came on the scene at a time that
may have been midpoint in this evil period. Since 1978, "mainstream"
commentators have commonly thought Luciani to be the "moon-pope,"
either because his name begins with the first two letters of the word
"Lunae," or by the fact that his "reign" lasted just 33 days, slightly
longer than one lunar cycle. Few besides Dupont have ever attached a
sinister connotation to the "pope" of this prophecy. However. it is
usually overlooked that in St. Malachy's chronological list of past,
present and future holders or, and pretenders to, the Chair of Peter, there
are two other papal mottoes with "lunar" designations. one of which
("Moon over Cosmedin") signifies an antipope: Benedict XIII (1394-
1424). The holy seer's cryptograms about the impostor popes of our own
strange century may never be fully understood. Perhaps St. Malachy
was alluding to this insidiously obscure and generation-spanning Papal
usurpation, by his use of the abysmal description "From the Midst of the
Moon." By this mysterious slogan, the pious mystic could have been
warning the Church in the end times of not one but several antipopes in
a row.
On the night of Wojtyla's first balcony appearance, Rome was
still reeling from the abrupt demise of Luciani. Agents of the "secret
government" sought quick acceptance of Wojtyla by the people of
Rome, lest their criminal theft of the Church's structures be exposed and
hence, their continued occupation of the Vatican rendered
untenable...." [End quote from article]
Both John Paul I and II refused to wear the triple crown or "tiara". This
coincided with their rejection of the Coronation ceremony and the papal
oath and consequently, the three-fold papal office to teach, rule and
1. De Mediatate Lunae ("From the Midst of the Moon", often
translated, "From the Half of the Moon"). The biblical symbolism of the
"moon" is the "worldly kingdom" or the "temporal order." This Pope
may therefore be elected from the midst of cardinals who are mainly
influenced by worldly ideas (social gospel, etc.) or he may be elected at a
time when the forces of Satan (the "Prince of this World") have virtual
control of the entire earth via their secret government, possibly even
influencing the papal election, so that an agent of the world antichrist
government is elected Pope..."24 There are two others in Saint
Malachy's list of Popes with "lunar" designations, one of which signified
the Anti-Pope Benedict XIII ("Moon over Cosmedin") whose anti-
pontificate was 1394-1424.
Commenting on Karol Wojtyla's history in Poland, Piers Compton
"...Many hundreds of his co-religionists in Poland during the thirty years
of Communist domination, had undergone petty or serious persecution,
many being jailed, some put to death. Yet there is no indication of
Wojtyla ever undergoing more than the usual trials that have to be
endured by known dissidents. He had not been subject to any sustained
or menacing outcry, and his relationship with the Marxist authorities
had been the same as that of any ordinary citizen who wore his faith
upon his sleeve.
Through it all he must have been called upon, as a prelate, to give not
only religious but also social, and even economic advice to those of his
faith, advice that must have sometimes conflicted with the governing
code. Yet he was never actually silenced, and he was tolerated, even
privileged by the authorities, while his religious superior, Cardinal
Wyszenski, then Primate of Poland, lived under constant pressure.
A case in point was the granting of permission to leave the country.
When the Synod of Bishops was called in Rome, both Cardinals applied
for exit visas. The Primate encountered a blunt refusal, but Wojtyla was
given permission as a matter of course...
It was formerly acknowledged that differences, when they were in
Poland, did exist between the two Cardinals. Wyszynski never yielded
an inch when dealing with the controllers of his country. Wojtyla was all
for coming to terms and continuing 'dialogue' with them, along the lines
that had been established by Paul VI; and what was more noticeable
Wojtyla, apart from never actually condemning atheistic Marxism, stood
in the way of those who wished to adopt a more militant attitude towards
it..."25 "...the carefully cultivated media profile of the pope as a 'strict
conservative' conducting a crackdown on Church dissidents. When he
was a bishop, Karol Wojtyla was a dissenter himself however, having
been instrumental in quashing a formal condemnation of communism at
Vatican Council II. Together with Cardinal Ratzinger, Wojtyla
shepherded the masonic 'Statement on Religious Liberty' to final
inclusion in the Council's documents..."26
"...a few years ago Francois Mitterand, the Communist who is now
President of the French Republic, said that 'Man is the future of Man.' It
was then left for Karol Wojtyla, as John Paul II, to enshrine that belief
in a modern religious setting by declaring that 'Man is the primary issue
of the Church'; a papal announcement that is thoroughly in line with the
Marxist principle that 'Man is an end in himself and the explanation of
all things'..."27
From the Encyclical of 15 September 1981, on the subject of private
property and capitalism:
"Christian tradition has never upheld the right of private property as
absolute and untouchable. On the contrary, it has always understood the
right as common to all to use the goods of the whole creation." This
stands in direction contravention to papal teachings from Leo XIII to
Pius XII.: "The Socialist endeavor to destroy private property, and
maintain that the individual possessions should become the common
property of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies...
It is unjust, because it would rob the legal possessor, bring the State in to
a sphere that is not its own, and cause complete confusion to the
"...During the first day of voting last Sunday, Wojtyla nonchalantly read
a quarterly review of Marxist theory as the time-consuming balloting
dragged on.
'Don't you think it's sacrilegious to bring Marxist literature into
the Sistine Chapel?' joked a Cardinal. Wojtyla smiled, 'My
conscience is clear.'..."29
As with Henry VIII's Oath of Succession forced upon English Catholics
in 16th Century England, John Paul II has forced those wishing to
partake of his "Indult" Mass to sign a pledge that they will not "call in
question the legitimacy and doctrinal exactitude of the Roman Missal
promulgated by 'Pope' Paul VI in 1970."
"...Those who remain attached to incidental aspects of the Church which
were more valid in the past but have now been superseded, cannot be
considered the faithful."30 Pope Saint Pius V in his Bull, Quo Primum
stated: "...we declare herewith that it is by virtue of our Apostolic
authority that we decree and prescribe that this present order and decree
of ours is to last in perpetuity, and never at a future date can it be
revoked or amended legally... And if, nevertheless, anyone would dare
attempt any action contrary to this order of ours, handed down for all
times, let him know that he has incurred the wrath of Almighty God,
and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul." -ex cathedra
On 22 March 1984 John Paul II received in a private audience
representatives of the Jewish-Masonic organization B'nai B'rith. He
stated, all the while even naming the Savior: "Dear Friends: I am very
happy to receive you in the Vatican... You are the league of the B'nai
B'rith against defamation. You are also connected with the Commission
for religious relations with Judaism, founded ten years ago by Paul VI,
with the aim to foster good relations between the Catholic Church and
the Jewish community... The simple fact of your visit, which I
appreciate, is in itself proof of the development and constant
strengthening of those relations...the encounter between Catholics and
jews is not one between two ancient religions that go their own way and
that have known serious and sorrowful conflicts: it is a meeting
between 'brothers', ... a dialogue between the first and second part of
the Bible. And just as the two parts of the Bible are distinct, and closely
related, so are the Jewish people and the Catholic Church... This mutual
knowledge makes us discover even more what unites us in a
greater solicitude for the human race, e.g. in the struggle against
hunger, poverty, discrimination, everywhere it exists... Thank you again
for coming here and for your involvement in dialogue and the aim it
pursues. Let us acknowledge it before God, the Father of us all."31
Gelli [Master of the P2 Masonic lodge] was also a collector of
interesting bits of knowledge and information, including, for example,
photographs of Pope John Paul II completely nude next to his swimming
A photograph also appeared in an Italian scandal sheet of John Paul II
on a beach with a young woman and an infant who looked surprisingly
like Karol Wojtyla.
"Many millions of words have been written since the election of Karol
Wojtyla in attempts to analyze and understand what kind of man he is.
As can be seen, he is the kind of man who could allow men like Villot,
Cody, Marcinkus, Mennini, de Strobel, de Bonis, and Poletti to remain
in office. There can be no defense on the grounds of ignorance...."
It is a papacy of double standards: one for the pope and another for the
rest of mankind. The papacy of John Paul II has been a triumph for the
wheeler-dealers, for the corrupt, for the international thieves... While
His Holiness has maintained a very highly publicized image, not unlike
some endless rock 'n' roll tour, the men backstage are ensuring that it is
business as usual. It is to be regretted that the severely moralizing
speeches of His Holiness cannot, apparently, be heard backstage.
"...With the election of Wojtyla it was straight back to the values of Paul
VI, with interest. With regard to the infiltration of the Vatican by
Freemasons, for example, the Vatican, through the current pope, has
now not only taken on board various Masons from various lodges but it
has also acquired its own in-house version. Its name is Opus Dei (God's
Work)." 33
True Catholic teaching regarding the Jews VS. [Antipope] John Paul II's heretical teachings:
"In his diocese of Mantua, On April 13, 1986 John Paul II
before he became Pope, he became the first "Pope" in 2000
had prohibited the years to visit a Synagogue during
celebration of a solemn worship services. John Paul kept
mass on the king's his head bowed in reverent silence as
birthday because the the Rabbis led a hymn which looked
city council which forward to their messiah who was
asked for it had attended still to come.
a celebration in the
synagogue." (Jewish Ency.)
In Lamentabili Sane, the "the encounter between ... Catholics
Syllabus Condemning the and jews is not one between two
Errors of the Modernists, ancient religions that go their own
issued 3 July 1907 by the way and that have known serious
Holy Office we find the and sorrowful conflicts: it is a
following errors condemned: meeting between 'brothers', -...
a dialogue between the first and 10. The inspiration of the second part of the Bible. And just as
books of the Old Testament the two parts of the Bible are
consists in this: The Israelite distinct, and closely related, so
writers handed down are the Jewish people and the
religious doctrines under Catholic Church... This mutual
a peculiar aspect which knowledge makes us discover even
was either little or not at more what unites us in a
all known to the Gentiles. greater solicitude for the human
race, e.g. in the struggle against
60. Christian hunger, poverty, discrimination,
Doctrine was originally everywhere it exists... Thank you
Judaic. Through again for coming here and for your
successive evolutions it involvement in dialogue and the aim
became first Pauline, it pursues. Let us acknowledge it
then Joannine, finally before God, the Father of us
Hellenic and universal. all."1
From Saint Cyprian: “Moses the Jews cursed because he proclaimed Christ. Dathan they loved because he did not proclaim Him. Aaron they rejected because he offered the image of Christ. Abiron they set up because he opposed Him. David they hated because he sang of Christ. Saul they magnified because he did not speak of Him. Samuel they cast out because he foretold of Christ. Cham they served because he said nothing of Christ. Jeremias they stoned because he was praising Christ. Ananias they loved while he was opposing Him. Isaias they sawed asunder shouting Christ’s glories. Manasses they glorified persecuting Christ. John they slew revealing Christ. Zachary they slaughtered loving Christ. And Judas they loved betraying Him.”
In the 1887 edition of the On the cover of the Winter 1991
Index Expurgatorius by issue of the American Jewish
Pope Leo XIII "The Talmud Committee Journal, John Paul II is
and other Jewish books" are shown smilingly accepting a copy of
proscribed as follows: the Steinsaltz edition of the Talmud
while making what appears to be
"Although in the Index the Jewish sign made famous by
issued by Pope Pius IV, "Mr. Spock" with his left hand;.
the Jewish Talmud with which Leonard Nimoy has stated is a
all its glossaries, secret Jewish sign made over those
annotations, interpretations being Bar-Mitzvahed.
and expositions were
prohibited; but if
published without the
name Talmud and without
its vile calumnies against
the Christian religion they
could be tolerated; however
Our Holy Lord Pope,
Clement VIII in his
Constitution against
impious writings and
Jewish books, published in
Rome in the year of Our
Lord 1592 _proscribed
and condemned them: it was
not his intention thereby to
permit or tolerate them
even under the above
conditions; for he expressly
and specifically stated and
willed, that the impious
Talmudic, Cabalistic and
other nefarious books of the
Jews be entirely condemned
and that they must remain
always condemned and
prohibited, and that his
Constitution about these
books must be perpetually
and inviolably observed."
"Such a secular, earthbound ..."We trust that, with the approach
state (Israel) could easily of the year 2000, Jerusalem will
become the political and become the city of peace for the
military power base for entire world and that all people will
the Antichrist when he be able to meet there, in particular
comes. For the Antichrist the believers in the religions that
will be in perfect accord find their birthright in the faith of
with the ideals of such a Abraham." (Parade)
About six weeks after Karol Wojtyla was presented on the
Balcony of Saint Peter's as John Paul II, OGGI, the Italian Life
magazine, displayed a cover story of John Paul II just before coming
"Pope" with a female friend and a little boy who looks disturbingly like
Wojtyla. The following are excerpts from the lengthly captions:
"The man who looks smilingly at the photographer in the
company of a woman has a very important name: Karol Wojtyla. at the
time that these sensational pictures were taken, around 1975, he was
Cardinal of Krakow. . . . with his female friend and a group of others,
who will appear in the following pictures, he is about to start eating
some snacks. . . . Wojtyla and his friend, who has the boy in her arms, a
beautiful blond little boy, are seated on a blanket and are telling the little
guy something that's making him laugh. This one, like the others of this
exclusive report that we publish, is truly an unusual image for us
Italians. . . . Cardinal Wojytla plays with the son of his female friend, in
back of whom appears a second woman, the other person in the group
that makes up the outing. .. "
On May 8, 1984 John Paul II presided, in Papua, New Guinea,
over a "mass" in which the Epistle was read by a woman nude from the
waste up. The original, uncensored picture is found in "Peter, Lovest
Thou Me?" by Abbe., Daniel Le Roux. The "Pope: appeared, bishops
and priests appeared to notice nothing out of the ordinary. (picture 22)
In 1986 while in India the Pope is seen smilingly being
marked with the sign of the adorers of the goddess Shiva on the
forehead, over the very spot where he was marked with the chrism to
seal him for Jesus Christ. (picture 23A)
A meeting of the Trilateral Commission was held in the
Vatican on April 18, 1983.
1. The missing portion of the original Saint Michael Prayer
promulgated by Pope Leo XIII (from "The Raccolta", twelfth edition,
Langdon, Burns, Oates and Washbourne, Ltd., 1935.): "In the Holy
Place itself, where has been set up the See of the most holy Peter and the
Chair of Truth for the light of the world, they have raised the throne of
their abominable impiety, with the iniquitous design that when the
Pastor has been struck, the sheep may be scattered."
Where is this "holy place" mentioned in the prayer?... In Catholic
parlance a 'holy place' is the holy Sepulchre, Calvary, the Cenacle, the
temple site, Gethsemane, the Via Dolorosa, the Church of the
Assumption, et cetera. Always the name of an exact and not a general
geographical location. Pope Leo would know this. This 'Holy Place' is
the 'Holy See'...a term used generally to indicate the Pope as Supreme
Pontiff...The 'Holy See' is actually the Episcopal See of Rome. By 'Holy
Place' Pope Leo is implying the general term. The Pontiff and his staff.
The supreme Church hierarchy....There are dozens of Masonic-Jewish
documents stating that their aim is to attain the papacy as impostors and
use the Chair-Cathedral of Peter as a front for their 'transitional religion'
to Judaism. 35
From the Venerable Anna Katarina Emmerich:
2. "I saw in Germany among world-wise ecclesiastics, and
enlightened Protestants, plans formed for the blending of religious
creeds, the suppression of Papal authority, the appointment of
more superiors, the diminishing of expenses and number of ecclesiastics,
etc., which projects found abettors in many of the Roman prelates."36
3. "They want to take from the shepherd his own pasture grounds!
They want to fill his place with one who will hand all over to the
enemy!" Then she shook her hand indignantly, crying out: "O ye
German cheats! Wait awhile! you will not succeed! The Shepherd stands
upon a rock! O ye priests!...ye sleep, and the sheepfold is everywhere on
fire! You do nothing! O how you will bewail this some day!"37
4. "I came to the Church of Peter and Paul (Rome) and saw a dark
world of distress, confusion, and corruption, through which shone
countless graces from thousands of saints who there repose."38
5. I saw the Holy Father surrounded by traitors and in great
distress about the Church. He had visions and apparitions in his hour of
greatest need. I saw many good pious Bishops; but they were weak and
wavering, their cowardice often got the upper hand... Then I saw
darkness spreading around and people no longer seeking the true
6. "We must pray that the Pope may not leave Rome, for
unheard-of-evils would result from such a step. We must pray to the
Holy Ghost to enlighten him, for they are even now trying to exact
something of him. The Protestant doctrine, as also that of the Greeks, is
spreading everywhere... If the Pope leaves Rome, the enemies of the
Church will get the upper hand...Religion is there so skillfully
undermined and stifled that there are scarcely one hundred faithful
priests... All must be rebuilt soon for everyone, even ecclesiastics are
laboring to destroy - ruin is at hand..."39
7. "I see the Holy Father in great distress. He lives in another
palace and receives only a few to his presence. If the wicked party
know their own great strength, they would even now have made an
attack. I fear the Holy Father will suffer many tribulations before his
death, for I see the black counterfeit church gaining ground, I see
its fatal influence on the public. The distress of the Holy Father and of
the Church is really so great that one ought to pray to God day and
night. I have been told to pray much for the Church and the Pope... The
people must pray earnestly for the extirpation (Rooting out, destruction)
of the dark church."40
8. "I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church: I
saw it increase; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city. I saw the
ever-increasing tepidity of the clergy, the circle of darkness ever
widening. And now the vision became more extended. I saw in all
places Catholics oppressed, annoyed, restricted, and deprived of liberty,
churches were closed, and great misery prevailed everywhere with war
and bloodshed."41
9. "I saw several churches, or rather meeting-houses surmounted
by weather-cocks, the congregations, disunited from the Church,
running here and there like beggars hurrying to places where bread is
distributed, having no connection with either the Church Triumphant or
the Church Suffering. They were not in a regularly founded, living
Church, one with the Church Militant, Suffering, and Triumphant, nor
did they receive the Body of the Lord, but only bread. They who were in
error through no fault of their own and who piously and ardently longed
for the Body of Jesus Christ, were spiritually consoled, but not by their
communion. They who habitually communicated without this ardent
love received nothing;..."42
10. "They built a large, singular, extravagant church which was to
embrace all creeds with equal rights: Evangelicals, Catholics, and all
denominations, a true communion of the unholy with one shepherd and
one flock. There was to be a Pope, a salaried Pope, without possessions.
All was made ready, many things finished; but, in place of an altar, were
only abomination and desolation. Such was the new church to be, and it
was for it that he had set fire to the old one; but God designed
11. "Again I saw in the midst of these disasters the twelve new
Apostles laboring in different countries, unknown to one another, each
receiving streams of living water from on high. They all did the same
work. They know not whence they received their tasks; but as soon as
one was finished, another was ready for them."44
12. "Ah! a pious, parish-priest has just died in Rome of old age! I
received the general absolution with him! His soul went straight to
purgatory, but he will very soon be released. We must pray for him.
He was greatly attached to the Pope during whose captivity he did
much good in secret. The Pope himself has not long to live... That
good old priest was one of the twelve unknown Apostles whom I always
see supporting the Church and of whom I have often spoke. He is the
second that has died. There are now only ten; but I see others growing
up. He was a friend and counselor of the Holy Father, but he would
never give up his parish for a higher position."45
13. "I wish the time were here when the Pope dressed in red will
reign. I see the Apostles, not those of the past, but the apostles of the last
times, and it seems to me, the Pope is among them."46
14. Pope Saint Pius X declared: "Our enemies have on this been
under no misapprehensions. From the outset, and with the greatest
clearness of vision, they determined on their objective; first to
separate you from Us and the Chair of Peter, and then to sow disorder
among you."47
15. Pope Saint Pius X predicted: "I saw one of my successors
taking to flight over the bodies of his brethren [predecessor Popes buried
in Rome?]. He will take refuge in disguise somewhere; and after a short
retirement he will die a cruel death. The present wickedness of the world
is only the beginning of sorrows which must take place before the end of
the world."48
16. Scripture: "I [Paul] know that, after my departure, ravening
wolves will enter in among you, not sparing the flock." (Acts 20:29);
For they will deliver you up in councils, and they will scourge you in
their synagogues." (Matt. 10:17); "They will put you out of the
synagogues: yea, the hour cometh, that whosoever killeth you, will think
that he doth a service to God." (John 16:2). "I will smite the shepherd
and the sheep will be scattered." (Mark 14:27).
17. The holy mystic, Sister Jeanne LeRoyer said: The Holy Father
is most unhappy; because of him the whole Church is in desolation."49
18. "The King of the Jews will be the real Pope of the Universe, the
Patriarch of an International Church."50
19."...If men do not refrain from offending God, another and more
terrible war will begin...He is about to punish the world with war and
hunger, and by the persecution of the Church and the Holy Father. To
prevent this I shall come to ask that Russia be consecrated to my
Immaculate Heart... If my requests are granted, Russia will be converted
and there will be peace; if not, then Russia will spread her errors
throughout the world causing wars and persecutions of the Church; the
good will be martyred, the Holy Father will suffer much, certain nations
will be annihilated. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph.
The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she will be converted,
and the world will enjoy an era of peace." - Our Lady of Fatima, 1917.
20. Some of those who worked for the Jews: The German
Theologians Baum and Oesterreicher and Baum, both of the Jewish
race, whose task was to "judaize the Christians", Fr. Klyber, who
"brainwashed Christians in favor of the Jews"; and Cardinal Bea, who
"in presenting his proposed decree in favor of the Jews and in opposition
to the Evangelists, concealed from the Council Fathers that he was
repeating the theses which had been suggested to him by the Masonic
order of the B'nai B'rith". Bea himself is said to be of Jewish origin.
(information from Judaism and the Vatican, Poncins, p. 161)
21. Blessed Anna-Katarina Emmerick in her vision of 27
September 1820 states:
"I saw deplorable things: they were gambling, drinking, and talking in
church; they were also courting women. All sorts of abominations were
perpetrated there. Priests allowed everything and said Mass with much
irreverence. I saw that few of them were still godly, and only a few had
sound views on things. I also saw Jews standing under the porch of the
Church. All these things caused me much distress." (Catholic Prophecy,
p. 66)
22. St. Anthony of the Desert (4th Century) [Disquisition CXIV]
"Men will surrender to the spirit of the age. They will say that if they
had lived in our day, Faith would be simple and easy. But in their day,
they will say, things are complex; the Church must be brought up to
date and made meaningful to the day's problems. When the Church
and the World are one, then those days are at hand. Because our Divine
Master placed a barrier between His things and the things of the world."
(Quoted in Voice of Fatima, 23 January 1968)
23. Our Lady of Good Fortune appeared to Mother Mary Anne of
Jesus Torres, in Quito, Ecuador, on February 2, 1634, with the child
Jesus on her left arm and the scepter in her right hand. At her
appearance the sanctuary light went out, which Our Lady stated had five
meanings. Those having to do with the eclipse of the Church and the
lack of a Pope in our century are:
"First meaning: at the end of the 19th century and for a large part of the
20th, various heresies will flourish on this earth which will have become
a free republic. The precious light of the Faith will go out in souls
because of the almost total moral corruption: in those times there will be
great physical and moral calamities, in private and in public. The little
number of souls keeping the Faith and practicing the virtues will
undergo cruel and unspeakable sufferings...
The third meaning of the lamp's going out is that in those times, the air
will be filled with the spirit of impurity which like a deluge of filth will
flood the streets, squares and public places. The licentiousness will be
such that there will be no more virgin souls in the world.
A fourth meaning is that by having gained control of all the social
classes, the sects will tend to penetrate with great skill into the heart of
families and destroy even the children. The devil will take glory in
feeding perfidiously on the hearts of children. The innocence of
childhood will almost disappear. Thus priestly vocations will be lost, it
will be a real disaster. Priests will abandon their sacred duties and will
depart from the path marked out for them by God. Then the Church
will go through a dark night for lack of a Prelate and Father to watch
over it with love, gentleness, strength and prudence, and numbers of
priests will lose the spirit of God, thus placing their souls in great
Pray constantly, cry out unwearyingly and weep unceasingly with bitter
tears in the depths of your heart asking Our Father in Heaven, for love
of the Eucharistic Heart of My Most Holy Son, for His Precious Blood,
so generously shed for the profound bitterness and sufferings of His
Passion and death, that He have pity on His ministers and that He put
an end to such fatal times, by sending to His Church the Prelate who
will restore the spirit of His priests.
The Plan
The rebuilding of the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem has been a perennial
goal of the Freemasons to prepare the proper staging area for the
unveiling of their "messiah". But Freemasons have correctly recognized,
for two centuries, that the one stumbling block to their temple project
has not been the crazed and perpetually fragmented Mohammedans, but
the Roman Papacy. On pages 823-824 of his Morals and Dogma (1871),
Albert Pike revealed: "Cagliostro was the Agent of the Templars, and
therefore wrote to the Free-Masons of London that the time had come to
begin the work or re-building the Temple of the Eternal...A lodge
inaugurated under the auspices of Rousseau, the fanatic of Geneva,
became the center of the revolutionary movement in France... The secret
movers of the revolutionary movement in France... The secret movers of
the French Revolution had sworn to overturn the Throne and the Altar
upon the Tomb of Jacques deMolay. When Louis XVI was executed,
half the work was done; and thenceforward the Army of the temple was
to direct all its efforts against the Pope."
"The fight taking place against Catholicism and Freemasonry is a fight
to the very death, ceaseless and merciless," so stated the Bulletin of the
Grand Orient of France, 1892, on page 183.
But how was this war to be carried out, and to what purpose, since
history reveals that all past attempts to wipe out the Church by physical
attacks have miserably failed? The Masonic Brother Bethmont, member
of the French Parliament, glibly boasted to Bishop Pie of Poitiers in
1878: "...Violence against the Church leads nowhere; we shall use other
means. We shall organize a persecution which shall be both clever and
legal; we shall surround the church with a network of laws, decrees and
ordinances which will stifle it without shedding one drop of blood."
(Papacy and Freemasonry, Msgr. Jouin, 1955, pp. 23-24)
The Report of the Masonic International Congress held in Brussels, in
1904, declared: To fight against the Papacy is a social necessity
and constitutes the constant duty of Freemasons." This confirms the
encyclical Humanum Genus (1884) of Pope Leo XIII from which we
learn that the Papacy is the ultimate target of those who conspire to
destroy the Church at her foundation: "...the Sect's purpose is to
reduce to naught the teaching and authority of the Church among the
civilian population.... The enmity of the sectarians against the
Apostolic See of the Roman Pontiff has increased its intensity... until
now the evil doers have reached the aim which had, for a long time that
of their evil designs, namely, their proclamation that the moment has
come to suppress the Roman Pontiff's sacred power and to completely
destroy this Papacy which was divinely instituted." If the Roman
Pontiff's sacred power was to be "suppressed" and the Papacy
"completely destroy[ed]", but, as earlier qualified, "without shedding one
drop of blood," how was this evil work to be accomplished, and to what
end? As the enemy surely knew that "the Faith is watered by the blood
of the martyrs," a plan to remove the Pope without killing the Pope
(so as to make way for a false authority under Anti-Christ) was being
finalized during the 1930s. It was discussed in a secret meeting of the
Jewish Masonic Lodge of B'nai B'rith in Paris, and was reported by the
London Catholic Gazette of February, 1936, and the Parisian weekly, Le
Revell du Peuple, from which I quote in part: 'Let us remember that as
long as there still remain active enemies of the Catholic Church, we may
hope to become Masters of the World...[nevertheless] the future Jewish
King will never reign in the world before the Pope in Rome is
dethroned as well as all the other reigning Monarchs of the Gentiles
upon earth."51
In the text above is mentioned the threat to use an atomic or hydrogen
bomb against Siri and Rome if he should not go along with the plans of
the conspirators. Regarding the Soviet, Bnai Brith, and American
threats to use the atomic bomb on the Church (and the 1958 conclave) a
verification of this plan is taken from The Hidden Dangers of the
Rainbow, pp. 70-71:
"How sincere they are about a nuclear-free world, however, is
unfortunately well-demonstrated within the pages of the very same Alice
Bailey book [The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 191]:
"The atomic bomb (although used only twice destructively)
ended the resistance of the powers of evil because of its potency
is predominantly etheric. Its uses are twofold at this time:
"a. As the forerunner of that release of energy which
will change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new
age wherein we shall not have civilizations and their emerging
cultures but a world culture and an emerging civilisation, thus
demonstrating the true synthesis which underlies humanity.
The atomic bomb emerged from a first ray Ashram [will-to-
good, Shamballa (force, violence) energies], working in
conjunction with a fifth ray group [scientific workers]; from
the long-range point of view, its intent was and is purely
"b. As a means in the hands of the United Nations to
enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for
teaching on peace and on the growth of goodwill to take effect.
The atomic bomb does not belong to the three nations who
perfected it and who own the secrets at present -- the United
States of America, Great Britain and Canada. It belongs to
the United Nations for use (or let us rather hope, simply for
threatened use when aggressive action on the part of
any nation rears its ugly head). It does not essentially matter
whether that aggression is the gesture of any particular nation
or group of nations or whether it is generated by political
groups of any powerful religious organization, SUCH AS THE
CHURCH OF ROME (emphasis added Wm.), who are as yet
unable to leave politics alone and attend to the business for
which all religions are responsible -- leading human beings
closer to the God of Love." (ibid., p. 548)
The threat to bomb the Vatican was also evident in the American
bombing of Rome, which Adolf Hitler declared an Open City, and the
object lesson of the destruction of Monte Cassino (which showed what
the Allies were capable of doing to the Church and Vatican).
Carlos Vazquez Rangel, Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of
the Masons of Mexico, has publicly supported long-held suspicions that
Roncalli and Montini were not just "fellow travelers" of the Freemasons.
In an interview with the political weekly Processo in 1993 Vazquez
stated that "within the eight city blocks that make up the Vatican State
no fewer than four Scottish Rite lodges are functioning. Many of the
highest Vatican officials are Masons and in certain countries where the
Church is not allowed to operate, it is the lodges that carry on Vatican
affairs, clandestinely."
Vazquez claimed that the effort to mitigate the "church's" penalties for
Masonic membership, championed by the late Archbishop Mendez
Arceo of Cuenavaca, also a Freemason, eventually came to fruition
because of the early cooperation of John XXIII and Paul VI who had
both became Masons years before their respective usurpations of the
Chair of Peter: "On the same day, in Paris the profane Angelo Roncalli
and the profane Giovanni Montini were initiated into the august
mysteries of the Brotherhood. Thus it was that much that was achieved
at the Council was based on Masonic principles."
Nubius (Piccolo Tigre) in his infamous Permanent Instruction of the
Alta Vendita of 1846 stated: "The Pope, whoever he may be, will never
come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come first to
the Church, in the resolve to conquer the two. The work which we have
undertaken is not the work of a day, nor of a month, nor of a year. It
may last many years, a century perhaps, but in our ranks the soldier dies
and the fight continues. We do not mean to win the Popes to our cause,
to make them neophytes of our principles, and propagators or our ideas.
That would be a ridiculous dream, no matter in what manner events may
turn. Should cardinals or prelates, for example, enter, willingly or by
some surprise, in some manner, into a part of our secret, it would be by
no means a motive to desire their elevation to the See of Peter. That
elevation would destroy us. Ambition alone would bring them to
apostasy from us. The needs of power would force them to immolate us.
That which we ought to demand, that which we should seek and expect,
as the Jews expected the Messiah, is a Pope according to our wants.
Alexander VI, with all his private crimes, would not suit us, for he never
erred in religious matters. Clement XIV, on the contrary, would suit us
from head to foot. Borgia [Alexander VI] was a libertine, a true
sensualist of the eighteenth century strayed into the fifteenth. He has
been anathematized, notwithstanding his vices, by all the voices of
philosophy and incredulity, and he owes that anathema to the vigor with
which he defended the church. Ganganelli [Clement XIV] gave himself
over, bound hand and foot, to the ministers of the Bourbons, who made
him afraid, and to the incredulous who celebrated his tolerance and
Ganganelli has become a very great Pope. He is almost in the same
condition that it is necessary that we find another, if that be possible.
With that we should march more surely to the attack upon the Church
than with the pamphlets of our brethren in France, or even with the gold
of England."52
Cardinal Siri, a prelate of great renown as a negotiator and peace maker
between labor and management, evidently fit the Masons' needs to the
letter. Moments after his unanimous election of 26 October 1958, Siri
was persuaded in a most brutal fashion to "step aside" in a forced papal
"abdication", known by all present to be completely invalid. Masonic
cardinals had even voted for him, to insure his election and acceptance of
office, only to demand his immediate resignation five minutes later, by
threatening to annihilate the Church. They then offered "peaceful
coexistence" between the Church and her persecutors if a "compromise"
candidate could be found as a "caretaker pope." The conclave had been
vitiated, and two days later, the caretaker turned out to the Angelo
Roncalli, a mouthpiece for the Masonic agenda who was sought by the
forces of Antichrist to head the Church, not as Pope but as antipope. In
this way, they hoped to perpetuate a death grip on the Church's
structures with a succession of figureheads devoid of any guidance by
the Holy Ghost. For only by subjugating a true pope who was unknown
to the outside world and "replacing" him with a false shepherd could the
Freemasons arrive at the total realization of their goal. The true Pope,
who vainly hoped to prevent a catastrophe for the Church by delaying
his public claim to office, brought about something far worse instead.
For as long as he lived, his very existence prevented the election of
another true Pope. He was mocked as his election was repeated, and
again suppressed at 3 successive conclaves.
The "caretaker" Roncalli paved the way for the destroyer Montini who
had been banished in disgrace to Milan without the red hat by Pope Pius
XII in 1954. The reason for his ouster was reported in Il Borghese and
SI SI NO NO. An ally of Stalin and Togliatti, Montini was discovered to
have passed information to the Soviets concerning the names of bishops
who were secretly sent into Eastern Europe and Russia to minister to the
"Church of Silence", causing them to be arrested and executed. The
betrayer Montini would later attempt to "officially" "ratify" and
"impose" the heretical Second Vatican Council documents upon the
faithful, as would only have been possible by an antipope.
Most Catholics today, simply cannot comprehend why or how such a
crime could have been so successfully carried out almost undetected by
the outside world, with the active participation of high princes of the
Church, over the span of a generation, as alleged by the "Siri thesis".
Surely such a long, drawn-out conspiracy would be beyond the ability of
even the most evil of men. But 130 years ago, Pope Pius IX explained
that: "If one takes into consideration the immense development which
[the]... secret societies have attained; the length of time they are
persevering in their vigor; their furious aggressiveness; the tenacity with
which their members cling to the association and to the false principles
it professes; the persevering mutual cooperation of so many different
types of men in the promotion of evil; one can hardly deny that the
SUPREME ARCHITECT of these associations (seeing that the cause
must be proportional to the effect) can be none other than he who in the
sacred writings is style the PRINCE OF THE WORLD; and that Satan
himself even by his physical cooperation, directs and inspires at least the
leaders of these bodies physically cooperating with them." ("Acta Sancta
Sedis", v. 1, p. 293, 13 July 1865.)
Fr. Denis Fahey, in his preface to the "new and revised edition" of Mgr.
Dillon's The War of Antichrist With The Church And Christian
Civilization, 1885, re-titled as Grand Orient Freemasonry
Unmasked As The Secret Power Behind Communism, Christian Book
Club, Palmdale, CA, states:
In a note on page 20 Of the original edition, Mgr. Dillon
returned to the question of the direction of Freemasonry, which he had
mentioned in his preface. He there says: "The Jewish connection with
modern Freemasonry is an established fact everywhere manifested in its
history. The Jewish formulas employed by Freemasonry, the Jewish
traditions which run through its ceremonial, point to a Jewish origin, or
to the work of Jewish contrivers. . . . Who knows but behind the Atheism
and desire of gain which impels them to urge on "Christians" to persecute
the Church and destroy it, there lies a hidden hope to reconstruct their
Temple, and in the darkest depths of se-cret society plotting there lurks a
deeper society still which looks to a return to the land of Judah and to the
rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem?"
These remarks can furnish the starting point for a examination
of the whole question of secret societies and their action, studied in the
light of the Encyclicals of the Sovereign Pontiffs, and of history. 53 9 [END]
(Note: the Footnotes section follows an *important note from the webmaster)
*Important Additional Note from the Webmaster: Fr. Khoat, the important priest that met with "Cardinal Siri"
(a.k.a Pope Gregory XVII) in 1988 A.D., - on May 20th 2006 A.D., in Corpus Christi, TX, on the 100th anniversary of the
birthday of "Siri", publically confirmed (on video tape) that Pope Gregory XVII did appoint Cardinals before his
Holiness (Pope Gregory XVII's) mysterious death on May 2nd, 1989 A.D. Fr. Khoat clarified that there are today (May 2006
A.D.) true Cardinals that were appointed by Pope Gregory XVII still living (the underground Church).
"The selection of the true Pope, according to the prophets, will be: a) almost miraculous; b) soon after the
terrible war and revolutions; c) the selectors will assemble under many difficulties; d) some prophets foretell the
intervention of Saints Peter and Paul and angels..."
1 The Next Pope, The American Weekly, March 17, 1957, p. 21.
2 The Year of Three Popes, p. 142.
3 Runaway Church, Seabury, 1975. p. 10.
4 Cardinal Siri: The Man Who Could Have Been Pope, Our Sunday
Visitor, May 21, 1989, p. 17.
5 The Popes In The Twentieth Century, Carlo Falconi, Little, Brown &
Co., Boston, 1965. p. 308.
6 Pope John XXIII; His Life and Character, by Rev. Paul C. Perrotta,
O.P., 1959, pp. 135-139.
7 Catholic Encyclopedia, v. 1, 1907, p. 32.
8 Exerpt from the French Newsletter, Introibo, No. 61, July-August-
September, 1988, Association Noel Pinot, Angers, France, p. 3.
9 The Hidden, But Victorious Way Of The Free-Masonry, Rev. Fr.
Henri Mouraux.
10 La Popessa, Paul I. Murphy and R. Rene Arlington, 1983, pp. 332-
11 L'oecumenisme vu par un Franc Macon de Tradition, Yves
Marsaudon, 1964, Paris, p. 26.
12 ibid., p. 15, 16.
13 John XXIII Comes To The Vatican, by Rev. Francis X. Murphy,
C.SS.R., 1959, p. 139.
14 I Will Be Called John, Lawrence Elliott, 1973, pp. 90-92.
15 The Pope: Could He Be Cardinal Siri?, by Louis Hubert Remy,
translated into English by Mrs. Heidi Hagen. Original in French
published in the bulletin SOUS LA BANNIERE No. 06 JUILLET-
AOUT 1986, Vailly-sur-Sauldre, France.
16 Excerpt from the French Newsletter, Introibo, No. 61, July-August-
September, 1988, Association Noel Pinot, Angers, France, p. 3.
17 The Hidden, But Victorious Way Of The Free-Masonry, Rev. Fr.
Henri Mouraux.
18 In God's Name, p. 161-162.
19 ibid., p. 177.
20 A Thief In The Night, John Cornwell, Simon & Schuster, New York.
1989. p. 330
21 ibid., p. 242
22 ibid., p. 255.
23 The Hidden, But Victorious Way Of The Free-Masonry, Rev. Fr.
Henri Mouraux.
24 Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisement, 1970, TAN Books, p.
25 The Broken Cross, The Hidden Hand in the Vatican, Veritas
Publishing Company, Pt. Ltd., Australia, 1984, pp. 169, 170.
26 Focus Newsletter, May 1987, v. 1., no. 1., Michael A. Hoffman,
Wiswell Ruffin House, Dresden, NY.
27 The Broken Cross, The Hidden Hand in the Vatican, Vertas
Publishing Company Pt. Ltd., Australia, 1984, p. 171.
28 Christian Married Love, Edited with an Introduction by Raymond
Dennehy, Ignatius Press, 1981, p. 101.
29 Time Magazine, October 30, 1978, p. 87.
30 The Broken Cross, The Hidden Hand in the Vatican, Veritas
Publishing Company Pt. Ltd., Australia, 1984, p. 172.
31 Catholic Counter-Reformation #1874, pp. 509-510.
32 In God's Name, Yallop, p. 319.
33 In God's Name, Yallop, p. 264-265.
34 Catholic Counter-Reformation #1874, pp. 509-510.
35 The Question of the St. Michael's Prayer, Fillip Q. Dictioneri, D.A.
36 The Life of Anne Catherine Emmerich, Very Rev. Carl E.
Schmoeger, C.SS.R., v. ii, p. 346.
37 ibid., pages 349-350.
38 ibid., p. 130.
39 ibid, p. 298.
40 ibid., pp. 292-293.
41 ibid., p. 281.
42 ibid., p. 85.
43 ibid., p. 35.
44 ibid., pp. 329-330.
45 ibid., pp. 343-344.
46 Quote from Katarina Emmerich from The prophets and Our Times
by Rev. R. Gerald Culleton, 1941, p. 207.
47 Une Fois Encore, Par. #7; 6 January 1907.
48 Catholic Prophecy, The Coming Chastisement, Yves Dupont, 1970,
TAN Books, p. 22.
49 Prophecies and Portents For Our Times, Yves Dupont, p. 12.
50 Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, Sergei Nilus, 1905. Protocol
51 The Masonic Plan to Suppress the Papacy as Admitted by the
Freemasons Themselves, Exile of the Pope Elect; Part VIII, Gary
52 The War of Antichrist With The Church And Christian Civilization,
by Msgr. George F. Dillon, 1885, re-titled as Grand Orient Freemasonry
Unmasked As The Secret Power Behind Communism, Britons
Publishing Company, London. 1965. pp. 90-91.
Catholic Counter-Reformation. #1874, pp. 509-510.
53 The War of Antichrist With The Church And Christian Civilization,
by Msgr. George F. Dillon, 1885, re-titled as Grand Orient Freemasonry
Unmasked As The Secret Power Behind Communism, Christian Book
Club, Palmdale, CA.
NOTE: The Siri Thesis may be freely distributed and copied as long as
it is not changed in any way.
Copyright to The Siri Thesis is retained by William G. von Peters, Ph.D.
Prior Copyright to source documents, newsletters, etc., provided by
Gary Giuffre' remains with him.
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